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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 4 minutes ago, Capco said:



    I think that for traditional pocket passers, one could make an argument that 30 is the prime of their career.  Raw strength (including throwing power) doesn't seem to diminish as quickly as speed does.  In addition, one has to consider the cerebral nature of quarterbacking and how much of impact experience can have on the field.  


    Fwiw, Kelly was 30 in 1990 when the Bills began their run.


    Granted, Cam isn't considered a traditional pocket passer and he has his injury history.  But even some of the athletic quarterbacks can become good pocket passers.  


    don't even bother with these people. half of the fans on here are literally delusional. this entire forum has gone to utter *****. 


    spewing total nonsense at all times and whenever they don't like anything that doesn't fit their cozy narrative that the Bills are the best team in the league and Allen is the best QB to ever grace a football field they start throwing insults. 

  2. 2 hours ago, BuffaloMatt said:

    He lowered his asking price. Had to check his ego and now is added to a long list of NFL talent whose skills are in the decline that choose to go to NE with the hopes of obtaining the coveted SB Ring. Unfortunately for Cam, Marcia left. 


    Cam is 31 ...he is literally entering his prime right now. 


    by the time the pre-season starts he will have a full year of recovery, longer than he has ever had. A resurgent Cam with that patriots defense is an instant SB contender. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


    But you haven't answered the question. How does less money to the police equal more justice for unarmed black people? This is what you have argued, so you must have some point to support your statement.


    Also, we discussed the jet skis (for patrolling the three public lakes in Austin) and cheese puffs (snacks on hand for when they bring in victims of domestic violence). But your inability to understand those truths notwithstanding, answer the question above. Or perhaps you really don't know what you mean when you say "Defund the police."


    defund police=allocate money towards better training/education=not shooting black men in the streets 


    do you understand now? the average american law officer barely passed High school. 

  4. 1 hour ago, 1ManRaid said:

    And which one was an incredibly raw prospect coming out of college, is still on the rise, and just got handed Diggs and Moss?  Ok got it.  Thanks.


    Allen hasn't really shown anything as a passer that he will take the next steps 


    he is still a mediocre passer in the NFL. overall decent QB because of his running ability but in terms of being a pure passer he is bottom 10 in the league. we will see how he takes advantage 

  5. 6 minutes ago, wppete said:

    Report: Two More Popular Minneapolis Businesses Call it Quits Due to Surging Violence in the City




    FAKE NEWS!!!


    their statements have already been exposed and debunked lol. these bars were the cause of a huge covid outbreak in that part of the city. they didn't close because of "violence". what a ***** article. reads like it was written by a 2nd grader. no surprise considering thats a right wing media outlet 


    several staff members already came out and said they can't operate anymore because they forced them to work and they all caught the virus. 

  6. Just now, Reality Check said:



    if you aren't adding discussion to this forum then go away and stop posting 


    you obviously are too ***** stupid to put up an argument thats why all you do is post random videos as responses 


    Take your L and delete your account. 


  7. 40 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


    Hey, now that you're back from polluting the football side of the board, let's revisit my previous question.


    You wrote this:


    Can you explain to everyone how giving the police less money will reduce the number of times a police officer kills an unarmed black person?


    Please be specific and use your own words.






    those two problems aren't exclusive. 


    Police need less money to fund whatever the hell they do like buy jet skis and cheese puffs and that money needs to go towards better education and training. Police departments are so mismanaged and corrupt in this country its embarrassing. only brainwashed fools think there is nothing wrong with them. 


    You have to attend more schooling to work in a hair solon in this country than be a police officer. 

    2 hours ago, Rob's House said:


    The sad thing is that as idiotic as this statement is, millions of people believe it.


    whats not to believe 


    facts are there. numbers don't lie 

  8. 13 hours ago, Virgil said:

    I wonder if he makes the team.  Cam doesn’t have the capacity for that team or system.  

    At best, I give it one full season and the Pats go full power run game 


    how delusional do you have to be to ask if Cam is going to make the team or not? lol


    For all you know the Patriots have changed their entire offense to tailor Cam. already been confirmed that this signing has been in the process for a while. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    This has to be the dumbest thing I've read on here, and that says a lot, now maybe had it read white, liberal males, it might be closer to the truth


    It isn't though 


    it's cold hard facts bud. 


    White males have committed more acts of domestic terrorism than any group in the last 15 years. Go look it up. 


    and next time don't quote me unless you got something worthwhile to say. all of your replies are ***** garbage and a waste of my time reading it

  10. 1 hour ago, pop gun said:

    Hey stupid inbred mouth breather how about this hypocrisy! Scared little pussies just like you having a football player slap someone with a white lives matter sign down because you're too scared to do it yourself. Yet you want to be a big tough guy on the internet! Get lost you loser, you couldn't be any more pathetic!






    trump supporter calling others "inbred"? hahahahahahahahahaha

    21 minutes ago, Jaraxxus said:


    of course. Because: white.


    Can't have white people protecting their property. That's privilege, don't you know?





    do you realize you just made fun of yourself? 


    that IS privilege lol. a white man can walk into a school, murder children, and get arrested without being murdered...oh wait that has happened before! Multiple times! 


    white males are the biggest terrorist threat to America 

  11. 41 minutes ago, TheBrownBear said:

    He's on the downside of his career and I think Josh Allen is as good or better than him right now.  I guess we'll see (hopefully sometime in the next year).


    lets hope so


    pressure on Allen just shot up, the whole league is watching the AFC east and will see if Allen can take the favored Bills to a division title or fall to Cam and the patriots. 



  12. 4 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    Not surprising as here's what Belichick said about him in 2017...  A healthy Cam Newton is a problem.


    “I think when you’re talking about mobile quarterbacks — guys that are tough to handle, can throw, run, make good decisions … — I would put him at the top of the list,” Belichick said Wednesday. “Not saying there aren’t a lot of other good players that do that, but I would say of all the guys we played recently in the last couple of years, I think he’s the hardest guy to (defend). He makes good decisions, can run. He’s strong. He’s hard to tackle. He can do a lot of different things. He can beat you in a lot of different ways. We saw that in the game in 2013. I would put him at the top of the list. I’m not saying the other guys aren’t a problem, because they are. But he’s maybe public enemy No. 1.”


    while bills fans were fantasizing about a home playoff game the patriots were developing an offense to fit Cam Newton lol 


    what a nightmare smh 

  13. 5 minutes ago, Cinga said:

    Why? Are you to lazy to get off your ass and go to a polling place? 


    There are unprivileged countries that people are required to vote, many walking miles to do it and they have less problems or complaints than we do.  


    those unprivileged countries don't have the biggest GDP in human history. 


    electronic voting eliminates a lot of trouble, like republicans closing down polling locations in the south committing voter suppression for years, it has nothing to do with being lazy    

  14. 1 minute ago, John from Riverside said:

    OK.....let me see if I understand your idiotic reasoning


    New England 7th ranked offense.....with a HOF accurate QB


    This year........no Tom Brady and a broken down Cam Newton


    Oh yeah.....those are totally going to add up


    To add to your idiotic arguement......it does not matter what the bills offense was ranked last year......we are talking about the patriots


    LOL so now Brady is a HOF accurate QB?


    according to this board Allen was better than Brady last season and Brady's career is finished. make up your mind people. 

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