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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 30 minutes ago, BuffaloHokie13 said:

    The improper there is painful here.


    except it has already been proven that protests did not result in any major outbreaks. its been over a month, results are in. 


    you know what has? Opening up bars so americans who are obsessed with their "freedom" can walk in without a mask and order their nasty bud lights 

  2. 25 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    Police are bad..until they're needed......I assume you're ok with statues of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln being taken down too, and Mt. Rushmore being blown up. The Taliban did the same as did Stalin, so which are you, an Islamic Extremist or a Commie!


    see this is why no one takes trump supporters seriously. you are so incoherent with your arguments and get so off topic on everything. 


    police are bad because they are terrible at doing their damn jobs properly. every occupation gets held accountable for their actions except police officers. are you still confused? 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:




    Students in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, who have been diagnosed with COVID-19have been attending parties in the city and surrounding area as part of a disturbing contest to see who can catch the virus first, a city council member told ABC News on Wednesday.

    Tuscaloosa City Councilor Sonya McKinstry said students have been organizing "COVID parties" as a game to intentionally infect each other with the contagion that has killed more than 127,000 people in the United States. She said she recently learned of the behavior and informed the city council of the parties occurring in the city.

    She said the organizers of the parties are purposely inviting guests who have COVID-19.



    Alabama is one of the least educated states in the country, not surprising. 


    these kids need to be locked up for years. imagine if their little parties sparks a outbreak cluster in their town and older people die, thats on them. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    thats some funny schiff,......"call the police, call the police"...and yet they want to disband the police...good for the gun toting mama


    are you serious? you literally have zero idea what the defund the police movement is about yet you spew this utter garbage on here. 


    calling the police in that scenerio is them doing their ***** jobs. they are civil servants and here to protect us. if the citizens want them defended then that is our right to say so. police departments have no right or say in how they are being run because they solely exist to protect citizens who quite literally fund them with our taxes. 


    Just now, wppete said:


    you defending confederate statues? hm not surprised. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, wppete said:

    You truly are a complete idiot...... The panic is coming from you and people like you. From what I see on here, people are presenting facts while yourself a a couple of others are getting emotional and repeating the mains stream media’s talking points and projecting. But I’m sure you don’t even know that you are doing it. It’s all good you are just proving everyone right. 

    “Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a bully may project their own feelings of vulnerability onto the target.”


    how are we panicking? what we are doing is WORKING


    after hundreds of years America is finally learning to take down those god awful confederate statues. that happened because of the movement. that is the sort of change we need in this country and its a step in the right direction.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. its actually crazy how scared conservatives are right now. 


    I've never seen a group of people more in panic at the current state of the country. you folks ignored decades of social injustice, destruction of americas working class, broken healthcare system, broken education system, absurd military spending, collapsing infrustcture...list goes on. yet you start panicking over a few protests/riots. 



    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Rob's House said:

    Go fu¢k your mother.


    that doesn't change the fact that the 2nd amendment exists. remember, america loves its guns! hoorah!  

    23 minutes ago, ~Kostabi~ said:

    Have any of you ever participated in a protest since George Floyds death? I have. And there were zero cameras. And zero violence either. As much as the media loves to photo op the radical criminal element are 100's of people who wish their voices heard that don't advocate violence. Or anarchy. Or  anything other that awareness of racism, the memory of  slaves  freedom date (Juneteenth) and the need for police reform. I know those folks don't get the publicity and are scapegoated along with the radical zealots. I think its a mistake  to discount those voices as much as emphasize the violent Marxist ones.  And the people I participated with were all races all colors and ages represented.


    90% of these people can't even define Marxism if you asked them to 

  8. 22 minutes ago, Troll Toll said:

    I admire that you can post something like that and simultaneously turn a blind eye to a rapidly growing black supremacist group, dressing up in masks and committing random acts of violence against whites. Just in the past few days I’ve seen videos of a white girl in a subway getting punched repeatedly and a very elderly white woman using a walker get pushed to the ground.


    where are these videos? because I haven't seen anything like that 


    what I have seen is decades long history of a violent group called the KKK who have been running wild in America and no one has stopped them. 

    20 minutes ago, dubs said:

    it’s either a hoax or a bunch of Dems. 


    a KKK leader was arrested in the same city a few days ago


    try again. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Troll Toll said:


    Yeah, if there are a bunch more of these incidents it may catch up to the number of hate crime hoaxes (assuming this isn’t yet another hoax)!


    funny how the first thing you think is this is a hoax


    almost as if you can't fathom the fact that the KKK actually exist. even when there was a member arrested just a few days ago. 


    disgusting, but not surprising. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, njbuff said:


    Did I ever say the words "people of color" dipshyt?


    Thugs, looters, rioters come in all forms you disingenuous prick.


    Whose the real racist here.


    In any of the pictures or videos of what is going on violently in this country right now, it's not just black people. Holy moly.




    you def mention the word thug all over this forum when its related to the BLM movement. ive seen it. 



    a few days after a KKK leader was arrested in Richmond this happens...not surprising. 


    why isn't the president attacking these people?  


    2 hours ago, njbuff said:


    You think any of those organizations mentioned by Larry give a flying fvck about children?


    They aren't looters, rioters or thugs, so why would they care?


    why do you keep calling people of color thugs? 

  12. 13 minutes ago, RocCityRoller said:


    I hope that one day this will be a post you are ashamed of. I know a lot of 'limousine liberals' like yourself. They tend to be the most racist people imaginable.


    This is offensive to so many people here for a multitude of reasons I don't know where to start.


    You obviously posted this to get an emotional response from people, or a 'quick take' to catch them off guard.


    As much as I would like to report this. I'll just let it simmer here. I am not a part of the 'Cancel' culture or social media censorship.

    I want you to be affiliated with this imagery for as long as you are on this board.


    I want it to stand as a reminder of your ability to participate in an adult, if heated, debate.


    Left or Right. Conservative, Liberal or even Communist. Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or even Aethist. Strait or Gay.

    This is offensive. And it will be forever tied to your ability to debate big boy and big girl topics.




    You have sunk to a new low. Many of us didn't think it was possible.


    the United states of Amerkkka would like to have a word. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Reality Check said:




    So not criticizing the Communist Chinese is taking the high moral ground?


    So when will it be appropriate to criticize the Communist Chinese?


    ...should we thank them for the COVID 19 in the mean time?


    ...should we ship more jobs to them?


    ...is Communist China still the best trading partner to make 85% of our pharmaceuticals after exporting a pandemic to the world?


    i'm not sure why don't you ask your capitalist loving president. 

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