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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 7 minutes ago, LB3 said:

    You live in NY? What movie did you go to the theater to see recently? How many sets did you bench today at the gym?

    Move to Venezuela dbag. The revolution you want only ends in bloodshed and the re.tarded pu$$ies on your side will regret every second of it.


    LOL, another conservative who brings up "Venezuela" because its the only comeback they have when someone attacks capitalism. 


    and btw, no one is worried about going to the ***** movie theaters during a global pandemic. if that is your first concern you can hop on a boat and leave this country. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    Good points.  So we'll just keep the schools closed forever, keep our children in bubbles and all will be right in the world. 


    why do you people always have to take things to such extremes? no one is saying this


    we can open schools 25% capacity and do virtual learning for the first half of the school year. every household has at least 1 smartphone or computer. virtual learning is not difficult 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. Just now, shoshin said:


    Take a breath man. You're  locked in some narrative cycle. Watch the numbers and see what happens. 


    i'm watching the numbers.


    $1200 stimulus check handed out to Americans to last 4-6 months. someone making 80k per year got the same 1200 check as someone making 30k that is what the government thinks of its people in this country. yet billions towards airline and cruise companies. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:

    We have entered Month 5 of 15 days to slow the spread.  


    Keep telling yourselves this was about some 60 day mission to eradicate the virus.  It never was and never was possible.


    Absolute insanity.  Science denying insanity.   


    what the ***** are you talking about? the country is no longer in lockdown. everyone is out and about living their lives, business are open. 


    Grocery stores and food chains have made more money in the last 4 months than they probably have in any 4 month period in the last 50 years. stop fear mongering about the economy going to *****, it's perfectly fine. human life is more important and always will be. 



  5. 1 minute ago, B-Man said:



    If you HAD read it.


    You wouldn't have written your second sentence.




    Although that may not be fair..................you probably just couldn't understand it.






    I did read it. its a bull#### article written on an alt right website trying to brainwash people into thinking the flu is worse than this virus. just like right wingers have been trying to claim since March. 


    there is nothing to understand 

  6. 2 hours ago, bilzfancy said:

    Yep, unless it's a M-95 mask, and even then, there is no guarantee you won't get the virus. It gives a sense of safety, nothing more


    completely wrong. its a sense of being a decent human being. wearing a mask totally cuts down on the risk of transmission. not wearing one shows you have no care if you get someone infected. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    Here is life in "success" story South Korea:


    "...City officials have subsequently executed a series of U-turns and toughened controls. The return of school students to physical classrooms full-time has again been delayed. Nightclubs and bars — which had initially remained open — have been closed and access to public spaces such as museums, parks, conference halls and indoor sports facilities is restricted." 





    And like I said earlier today here is Governor Blackface threatening to not open schools at all if the numbers continue to climb (which if you haven't gotten the message by now, there is no way they DO NOT climb unless everyone stays at home and life continues .......at 20% capacity.  In face diapers.


    COVID case uptick in Virginia prompts warning from the governor: 'I won't hesitate to impose restrictions'




    We're all being played.  



    Virginia has been one of the best states in handling the virus. if they don't wanna open schools then they won't. there is nothing anyone will do about it because what their government has been doing so far has saved thousands of lives. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 49 minutes ago, Gary M said:

    The virus is not ravaging the country, the democrats and marxists are.




    you don't even know what a Marxist is 


    its the new alt right phrase of the week 


    29 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    Honest question, what would Obama, Clinton, Biden or other Dem done differently? Would they have stopped travel from China and other places? Doubtful. Would they have magically produced more tests, vaccines, masks? Remember, after the swine flu, the CDC asked that administration to produce more masks and ventilators and was told, "we're good"


    they wouldn't have slowed down testing to improve potential election results ...like Trump did . not only did he do this but he literally got in front of a live audience and admitted it... 


    but probably not much else. a smart president would have enabled UBI for 3-4 months, not send out 1 measly 1200 check while supplying billions and billions to businesses who probably didn't even need it. 

  9. 4 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:


    Watching you piss your pants over a TV personality is my point.


    It never gets old. 


    And there is racist rhetoric everywhere. Hell, I still haven't seen you rip Biden for his racist rhetoric, and he's a notorious racist pig.


    But that's probably different because you can just blame it on his dementia.






    Im no fan of Biden but i'm pretty sure he didn't call the people of Iraq 2nd rate humans 

    4 hours ago, Jaraxxus said:

    Step one: White guy tells the truth.


    Step two: RACIST!



    please tell me where exactly he is telling "the truth" 


    • Haha (+1) 2
  10. 11 minutes ago, Commsvet11 said:

    I agree, anybody in the medical field should already know the risks and hazards of their profession.


    except that wasn't the point of the video, if you actually watched it the doctors in the video are concerned for the people not themselves. it is to show that your little birthday parties can send people to the ER and on a breathing tube 1 week later. 


    next time don't post a pathetic response like that. 

  11. 42 minutes ago, 123719bwiqrb said:


    What a huge collection of whimps.  I fear for our country when this is how our "front line workers" B word and moan when they are asked to do their job.  I understand it is a new virus, but how the heck did we get to the moon, get thru WWII, abolish slavery, etc?  With some bravery and humility.


    Time to sack up, America.

     and what do you do for a living? 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  12. 14 hours ago, Don Otreply said:

    But he is asking far to much per his job requirement of creating team success. I mean Christ, a 2nd year project QB made him look bad on national tv, on thanksgiving no less. 
    I would not be at all surprised when the Dak lead cowboys don’t make the playoffs again. 


    Dak is a good QB

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Yesterday, Monday, after a three day holiday weekend, we saw an almost imperceptible increase in Covid related deaths with only two states (CA and TX) reporting just over 50 fatalities and forty states (80% of the country) registering in single digits or none at all. NY reported NINETEEN deaths down from highs that were once approaching one thousand per day. So with so few deaths from this killer virus, and 80% of the nation virtually unaffected, why is the media screeching on about a national policy on mask wearing? 


    you do realize that it takes 2-4 weeks to see case spikes, and deaths lag about 2 weeks after that. a national holiday last weekend has nothing to do with the current numbers right now. 

  14. 8 hours ago, Magox said:

    The people will not comply.  Friday and Saturday in my city/town was also busy, people out and about everywhere.   



    Americas obsession with 4th of july is something I will never understand. Wish "patriots" put this much attention and effort into helping fix this country's deep rooted issues 

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS said:



    McDermott's game philosophy is to play just enough offense to let the defense win the game.  He would rather send the punting unit out than risk a turnover.  If you look at Josh year 1 to year 2, his deep ball got worse, and I can only guess he was coached to throw ahead of coverage to avoid the INT at all costs.


    He wont have that issue with Diggs because Diggs is elite at snagging balls in coverage.  I think hes in the top 3 WRs for snagging contested balls.  I think we are going to see Josh throw much tighter to Diggs and I would be surprised if his completion rate doesn't improve past 60% and more.


    Of course then there will be some other reason he was the wrong pick ... until we win the AFCE.



    when you coach a QB like that you are already failing him. 

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