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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 43 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    You can guarantee you have dealt with public schooling more recently then me? I am a high school teacher and have two kids in school, I know the system about as well as anyone here. It is amazing how the conservatives have caused 75% of the deaths to be in the dark blue areas, so please stop with your idiocy. Once again please keep making guarantees and promises since I know you have no clue.


    your a HS teacher and don't realize how poor the american education system is? shame 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. Just now, Buffalo Timmy said:

    The states that are not going back are all doing it for political reasons, also I am betting you do not have kids since you do not realize kids do lose knowledge without being pushed to learn more 


    I don't have kids. But I can guarantee you I was in public schooling a lot more recently than you were, so believe me when I say missing out on a year of schooling is not going to hold your kid back. Your kid isn't going to "miss out on college" because he didn't attend in person learning for a year. 


    Political reasons? You do realize the reason why we are the worst country to deal with this virus is because a certain side has turned the entire pandemic into a political statement lol. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Beast said:


    So, explain New York State having the worst numbers.


    NYC/NJ area is the most densely populated place in the country. NYC was a disaster because our president was calling the virus a hoax in February. 


    if the virus spikes back up in the fall there will be no NFL season, at least not on schedule. 

  4. 1 minute ago, B-Man said:

    they took away giving the numbers to the CDC first, the department of Health and human services will get them and distribute to everyone else 


    including the CDC. 




    nope. you left out the part where it comes directly through Trump and his team first before it goes anywhere else lol. 


    its so obvious what they are doing and yet there are people like you defending it. sickening really 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Unforgiven said:

    The science of facts, not feelings of hatred.


    the only real data we have is that people under 30 have a very low fatality rate. that doesn't mean they don't get infected and that damn sure doesn't mean they don't get hospitalized and/or able to spread the virus elsewhere. 


    there is literally zero science suggesting schools are ready to open back up. if schools were ready to open,  multibillion dollar universities who have staff who dedicated their whole lives to researching viruses would have come out and say its safe. instead they are closing their schools and turning to virtual learning. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    So let’s say you’re now the President. What would you recommend?


    there is nothing to recommend now lol. America should have been on this from the start and enforced mask usage and strict lockdowns. we should have created a tracing system like south korea/germany/singapore did. instead our president came out and said "everything will be fine by Easter" and look what happened...

    12 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:



    ...good luck getting an answer.....they always attack and NEVER defend....asked the same question many times, adding if they could insert THEIR pick to replace Trump as the one to be leading the pandemic fight, the answer is....."crickets"......my expectation......CONSTRUCTIVE vs DESTRUCTIVE dialogue......YOU decide which one does NOT exist in their vocabulary (COUGH).....


    Trump and his staff have handled this virus so poorly this question almost becomes pointless because anyone would have done a better job, literally anyone, republic or democrat. They would not have called the virus a hoax in February and played it off like it was a joke. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. Trump can say whatever he wants lol


    he has zero control over which schools are opened and which aren't. thousands of counties across america have already said they are delaying their start dates and going with virtual learning. 


    American schools can't even control a lice outbreak properly. do you know how fast the flu travels throughout a school? Now imagine a virus 3-4x more contagious. 


    some americans act like their kid will lose brain cells if schools don't open...it really isn't that serious. safety should be our #1 priority. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 2 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    i generally get it..but the requirement should simply be..we can serve you anything you want at a table, but that's it..no getting it at bar!


    Not doing it a lot lately cause nothing replaces sitting at the bar and we can not so that quite yet in VA, but been out a few times with friends to just drink and get absolutley hammered. We have to sit at a table..and our bill is not small..and restaurants makes gobs of money selling booze...and truy thats is why we are doing it..to give our favorite establishments some help . 


    Guess we can order a bag of chips..but this rule is just dumb


    Uhmm, we are almost two months out from Memorial day, when positives first started increasing.  Show me one expert saying that we are going to see a death spike, will be awaiting your responce




    read this article. 

    1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:

    From March 18 to April 18 there were 40K deaths.


    From April 18 to May 18 there were 53K deaths.


    From May 18 to June 18 there were 37K deaths.  





    From June 14 to today there have been 20K deaths in the U.S. 


    I have a million takeaways from this. 


    Starting with how grossly we most definitely overcounted Covid deaths from March thru May..


    maybe ...you know..doctors started to figure out better treatments and procedures. 



  9. Just now, shoshin said:


    What numbers do you think we're about to see daily? 

    According to all the new reports this week experts are saying we are tipping towards a similar death spike that we saw back in April. 

    we probably won’t even know the real numbers anymore, the White House has decided to act just like China did and hide the truth. We are living in terrible times right now and need stronger leadership. America is sinking fast 

  10. The new GOP talking point about “cases are rising but deaths are staying low” is about to be obliterated 


    deaths are now starting to creep up. And from what we know about the virus back in the spring was that there was a huge lag between cases and the death spike. Mike Pence looking more and more like a total ***** idiot as each day passes 


    the richest country on the planet handled a global pandemic worse than most 3rd world countries. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    My lord, what a shame this is what you think the role of government is all about..




    to help its people? why did the wealthiest country to ever exist in history only could afford a measly 1200 one time check? Look how much Canada has helped its citizens. 


    Why did they send billions to business who didn't even need a stimulus check and left the working class rotting away? 

  12. 31 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    the american school system will collapse and fall on its face if it opens up in full this fall. all those underfunded schools in middle america who won't be able to afford PPE for teachers will be hotbeds of covid. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 20 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    Dude you are on fire with the ignorance now- terrorist is a label based on purpose, if the purpose was based in political or religious beliefs it is terrorism. Sandy Hook is not terrorism since there is no purpose, the Pulse is terrorism since he did it based on religious beliefs. I know to a liberal definitions do not mean much but these terms are useful to intelligent people.


    your defending white mass shooters. why am I not surprised. 


    ***** scum 

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