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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. btw don't let these conservative doomers make you believe the economy has "collapsed". The economy is fine, and is nowhere near as bad as these people keep saying it is. Grocery stores, target/walmart/costco's and fast food chains are hitting record profits all across America. Amazon is setting record profits, so is online shopping in general. 


    only places doing bad are malls (which were going exticnt anyways), movies, and nightlife venues/bars. 

  2. 14 hours ago, B-Man said:



    We let Fauci and his agenda destroy this nation's economy, and now the little ____ wants us to wear masks forever to block the flu.





    what the ***** is this guy talking about and why do people keep posting his moronic tweets in this thread. he is literally a nobody. he has no science or medical background to be discussing on how to handle a pandemic. 


    and what the hell does he mean by "like any other pandemic" ? as if we have them every year...


    What exactly is he referring to? That America shouldn't have shut down and let people die to "save the economy"? does he realize the lockdowns that were imposed saved thousands of lives? Does he realize that if America acted quicker and took the virus more seriously we could have saved thousands more? Why is every other country on its way to recovery and America still is setting record numbers? 


    some of these conservatives man...have no ***** clue on what they are talking about 

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  3. 24 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    Not just him but George Floyd had 3, count em, 3 funerals while most Americans can't have one


    "most americans" weren't choked to death by law enforcement. 


    why are you blaming george floyd? it is a funeral homes decision on how many ppl are allowed to attend. you know...privately funded businesses. 



    trump has been wanting to open the country for months..but now he wants to delay the election? nope lmao


    the federal governments handeling of the virus put us in this mess and now they have to face the consequences 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Tisker A Tasker said:

    Somehow the Premier League was able to play without a bubble for nearly two months with only 20 positive tests. More contact in soccer than baseball as well.  Perhaps there is something they are doing right that the NFL can learn from.


    that is because the PL had a proper plan and was monitoring their players throughout the entire break between March and June.  They were literally crafting meal plans every single day so players never had to leave their homes or eat food outside what was approved by the clubs. 


    there is also far less players on an football team than any american football team. there is no way the NFL can test 300+ people per team every week and do contact tracing, football is not returning on time this season. 

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  5. 36 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    The peaceful protest almost always turns violent, especially when the sun goes down. I'm all for peaceful protests, everyone here is, hell as I've stated been in many of them back in the 60s, it's when these protests turn where I, and most everyone, has a problem, they've been going on way too long now and have accomplished nothing, except mayhem.


    then you would know that almost every peaceful protest has turned "violent" when the police start causing the chaos. 


    In DC protesters were peacefully protesting in the park in front of the white house, what happened? Police gassed them and beat them and the violence occuered. people are sick and tired of the police force in this country. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    47 LE were injured just a few days ago in Chicago guarding the Columbus statue, and it's happening every night in Portland, and has been for several weeks


    ok? what does have to do with peaceful protests? Why are you grouping people peacefully protesting and ones that are causing violence? 


    seems like all you want to do is group everyone who is BLM in one category and pretend like what they are protesting for is obsolete and doesn't mean anything. seems like you have zero idea about what is going on in this country 

  7. 18 hours ago, Magox said:

    This is a settled matter.  Why is this thread still even going ? This is Only like the hundredth data point and/or study that points to the safety of schools for children and relative risk for teachers.





    What happened to the leftists, they have become anti science anti data.     TDS is a powerful phenomena 


    nice. now compare the case #'s from Finland to America. 


    If we were doing as well as Europe no one would be against opening schools, but we aren't. that study is a joke and has no relevance to what America is going through right now. the schools in America are so much bigger than in Finland. Israel opened schools and it led to the whole country spiking with cases and they urged people not to do the same, says right there in the article. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, LB3 said:

    No. You can't.


    lmao you must not be active on social media then. 


    get on twitter and type in police brutality. enjoy the thousands of clips of police brutally assaulting americans on the streets for exercising their 1st amendment rights.

    16 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    Since when is having rocks, frozen water bottles, cherry bombs, etc thrown at LE peaceful protest? Hundreds of LE have been injured, some killed since this all started. Why haven't you denounced the rioting, burning, and violence going on in Portland and other democratic cities?


    I'm sorry but where the hell has that all happened? 


    there are countless videos of police gassing peaceful protests all over the country, shooting rubber bullets towards reporters, beating them with batons . one happened on LIVE TV the day the president decided to gas his own people so he can go on a photoshoot at that church in DC. 


    of course you probably had no idea about this because you have been fed bull#### fox news propaganda for the last few months. 

  9. Nothing more beautiful than veterans coming out against the Police force in america 


    good for them. 

    52 minutes ago, Rob's House said:



    nice! you can also make a 2 hour long clip of police brutality towards PEACEFUL protesters from all over the country in the last 2 months. 


    all this shows is the white house still has no ***** clue about what is going on america and made a little video to fit their political agenda. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 1 hour ago, plenzmd1 said:

    same way i do when anyone gets sick with any disease, its sucks, but its the human condition. 

    Arizona has always seemed to really increase on new deaths on Tuesdays.


    yes its what every scientist and medical professional predicted would happen. deaths are starting to creep up because they lag weeks behind spikes in cases. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/07/17/coronavirus-can-kids-spread-covid-19-spreadquestions-answered/5450062002/


    and yet many in this country still want schools to fully open up . 1 out of every 3 children tested in Florida were positive. but because kids aren't dying the white house thinks it's perfectly safe. not even considering the catastrophic outcome it could put on parents/teachers/communities as a whole. 



    28 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    Listen, in the middle of the deadliest pandemic of all times*, with 100s of thousands dead, with millions of Americans livelihoods completely destroyed, and 10s of millions of kids were about to permanently ruin----I think if I belonged in any, some, or all of those groups, what I really want to see right now, is the point man on combatting this pestilence, on the cover of In Style magazine, sitting by his in ground pool, enjoying another lovely day of being a 1 percenter, while we the little people merely suffer a little "inconvenience."




    *Its a really bad flu in which almost half our deaths were people who's next flu could have taken them out.  Or a motorcycle accident.  


    oh for ***** sake. enough with the fear mongering. 


    what kids lives are being ruined because they missed out on 1 year of schooling? Americans seriously need to grow a pair, this country is literally the most spoiled in the world. and the fact you are actually still calling it a "bad flu" shows how misinformed and ignorant you are. 


    please no one take this persons take on anything seriously. he has just exposed himself 

  12. 7 minutes ago, MJS said:

    Hopefully all of them except the Bills.


    Bills are one of them lol. did you not read the Tim Graham article? 


    summary of it here:




    notes staff leaving due to sexual harassment concerns. not a good look if more people start speaking out. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 2 hours ago, B-Man said:


    At the cost of citizens losing their jobs, livelihoods and education. 






    the president literally went on national television and called the virus a hoax, and also said we will be fine by Easter. Trump is doing everything bad to himself. stop acting like this is all a conspiracy  against him. He could have been a national hero if he just followed the guidelines, sent out multiple stimulus checks and enforced mask use but he didn't. and this is why his team are in a free fall and will be sent packing in November to a guy who has dementia. 

  14. 3 hours ago, LabattBlue said:

    No surprise.  I will be amazed if they play any games, let alone a full 16 game season and playoffs.  


    Camps being delayed would be the nail in the coffin for the season tbh. Imo it should be pushed back to spring 2021, play in empty stadiums and shorten the season. remove all AFC-NFC games. they will have enough time to start the following season in September 

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