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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 7 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    I bet Singletary is wondering the same thing..


    I said this since the day we drafted the kid, Allen won't turn into a top QB until we get him a mastermind OC that knows how to use his strengths and can develop him. 


    Daboll is not the right man for that at all, as we have already seen. he puts Allen into so many difficult positions throughout games. 


    Also, if we don't use our 1-2 punch RB duo to our advantage next season just get rid of Daboll as soon as we can. 

  2. 5 hours ago, GG said:


    Please point me to a country as vast and diverse as the US that is back to “normal.”


    what does diversity have to do with anything? wtf


    and america being "vast" was supposed to help stop the spread. the EU is way more densely populated than america and we are still doing way worse than them. 

    9 hours ago, bilzfancy said:

    The USPS is tens of billions in debt, how the frick is that Trump's fault? Congress distributes funds, not the president, but you knew that.


    ok? what does the USPS being in debt have to do with anything? do you know how many parts of this country are in debt? lol. 


    Why are they removing sorting machines and mailboxes across america right before the election? 

  3. 31 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    You don't know what you are talking about.


    Europe is so far ahead of america right now . why is that? 

    28 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    That's not a surprise, he's blaming Trump for the USPS, when Trump has nothing to do with the post office


    go ahead and explain what is happening to the USPS and why its happening. need a full detailed explanation since you are convinced Trump has "nothing" to do with it 

  4. 2 hours ago, Magox said:

    Florida really trending down nicely.  Deaths should be near peak.



    And Arizona is trending down in all stats including deaths.  They have burnt out.





    i love how people are trying to turn this into "good news" when in reality its august and the rest of the world is almost back to living normal lives while americans can't even go on vacation 

  5. 4 minutes ago, BeerLeagueHockey said:

    If they follow the NYS guidelines, as all school districts are, then who do you sue? The state?


    you sue the people enforcing the guidelines, hence the school district. 


    if you are forcing children to go back to school and it is not a safe environment that is on you. sorry enjoy the lawsuits 

  6. On 8/11/2020 at 8:05 PM, Big Blitz said:



    The virus skipped children from February thru July.


    The pattern of the virus appears to follow a "what needs to and will absolutely grab the public's attention at the moment" pattern.  



    Truly fascinating.  


    In late November it will move to the "Christmas shoppers at risk in congested malls" phase.


    are you ***** stupid? like honestly. Real actual question 


    The reason children are in the headlines  is because SCHOOL IS STARTING AGAIN. 

    the school in GA that closed for 2 weeks is opening back up LOL


    have fun with the lawsuits. that school district is going to be absolutely destroyed in court and drained from all money. 

  7. Just now, B-Man said:



    One of the kids on the first day, his previous test came back positive.


    The school had plans for when this happened (not if) and they reacted.



    THIS is Penfield's "disaster"





    yes. and the rest of the class has to quarintine for 14 days and not allowed back into school, so they are missing out on education. 


    When they could have all did remote learning and not miss anything. do you understand where this is heading? the plan to bring back students in america will fail. stop comparing us to other countries who have kids going back to school. we have already shown this country has no ***** clue on how to handle this virus 

    1 minute ago, bilzfancy said:

    One kid tests positive and that's a disaster?? The bigger disaster is not having kids go to school.


    your right! now they have to quarantine for 14 days! aka NO SCHOOL


    god you conservatives really have no reading comprehension skills 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 20 hours ago, bilzfancy said:

    Typical scumbags like Schmuck Schumer and Botox Pelosi want 3 trillion and help bailout badly run states like NY and California, once again, the Dems are holding hurting Americans hostage


    california has the 5th highest GDP on the planet. they don't need a bailout lmao. 


    the states that are in desperate need of one are the deep red states in the south and middle america. the ones with poor median income levels 

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