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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 19 minutes ago, BeastMaster said:

    A few thoughts on a few topics here


    1. I hate politics in sports. These folks are privileged to play a game for incredible money...they should recognize and appreciate that, but many do not. This is why I've lost some interest 


    2. I have no issue with the locking of arms, but kneeling for anyone...especially during the anthem does offend me.


    3. Memorializing George Floyd is pretty gross with him being the scumbag he was. What happened was wrong, but he is not someone who should have praise heaped upon him. Condemn the police tactics, but leave the worship of that disgusting person out of it.


    4. I keep hearing racial inequality and change/justice. What exactly is this? What do people believe should happen, cause to me it seems like empty demands. You want all the cops to be found guilty and sentenced to the maximum penalty? Do we not honor and trust the legal system to sort it out? Seriously...what do those crying and causing chaos for change and justice want? If we go by what BLM says they want, then it's pretty much the destruction of the nuclear family and a country where blacks police themselves. This doesn't seem like a good idea to me, but I'll let others chime in if they'd like.


    5. Today is the memorial of one of the most awful days in our history, and I refuse to bicker with others on this day, so we can do that another time if you take issue with anything I said. 


    Go Bills!


    this might be one of the dumbest posts ive seen on here


    you are so misinformed 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Bubba Gump said:

    This is the United States, some will agree, some will disagree. Get used to it. This is the new normal. I myself wouldn't cheer or boo. Just keep to myself. I wanna watch some football without all the political BS.


    there is nothing political about human injustice. 


    you say you won't cheer or boo but you are exactly the problem thinking this is a political issue. 

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  3. 9 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

    You want to know what post pandemic America looks like?


    Tune in to the game tonight.  


    It's going to look like an organized rally for Kim Jung Un but everyone 6 feet apart, in masks, chants have been banned, no tomahawk chop, and no depictions of Indians.  



    calm down doomer. trumps rallys are more in line with what you just mentioned than anything going on at a football game. 

  4. 25 minutes ago, westside2 said:

    I got pulled over for speeding friday night. I admit I was speeding, although not on purpose, Anyway, I was very respectful to the officer and he was very respectful to me. He asked me for my license and I obliged. I was fortunate to drive away with only a warning. It was all very civil.  


    why can't you realize that not all people have this privilege 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Sig1Hunter said:

    You arent going to acknowledge my sincere thought to welcome you back? Sheesh...


    and to answer your question: yes. You are justified in shooting a physically resistant subject that is armed with a knife and refuses to drop it,  when you can articulate a threat from that knife wielding felon (the lack of distance between the officer and the knife wielding felon). You shoot until the threat no longer exists. You dont shoot with express purpose to kill. If they were shooting to kill, he would have likely been popped in the melon.


    "physically resistant subject" 


    there were about 10 cops there and 1 guy holding a "knife". why can't you admit dogs are trained better than police in america. there was no reason to pull out a weapon and fire it. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


    If people are trying to kill you and you shoot them to make them stop then yes, actually, that is self-defense.


    It's clear you're a bit incoherent at this point. You should really unplug and get some rest.


    the people who attacked him originally could have also claim self defense. attacking a man standing there with a gun. they don't know who he is. if a man is approaching me with an assault rifle and he is not law enforcement or military i'm doing whatever I can to stop him. 


    white people in this country have too much power holding a gun around. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    You, as always, are a liar.


    First the “Boogaloo“ is a libertarian term for Civil War II, where libertarians attack the stare when it violates their rights.  It is not in any way associated with white supremacy. It was labeled a white supremacist concept by leftists who label everything against them racist.


    Second, the individual in question was defending private property, a gas station, when he was attacked.


    The first person he shot, described as “a medic with a cell phone” can be seen here:






    "defending private property"


    are you ***** stupid? lol 


    you can't just stand in front of a gas station and shoot people. the kid was from out of state, he didn't own the gas station. he wasn't defending anything. he was there to shoot protesters. case closed. he should spend the rest of his life rotting in a jail cell. 

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  8. 11 minutes ago, Magox said:

    Sorry to burst your bubble but this is a clear cut case of self defense.  I've got the receipts:


    Video 1 - Shows he's being chased by a mob




    Video 2 is in Slow Motion and it shows him being attacked by multiple people



    Image 3, one of the guys who was attacking him had a hand gun who he later shot in the arm.



    Image 4 shows him getting hit by a skateboard 



    Image 5 shows him getting drop kicked




    This is self defense.


    Case closed


    You can't just kill people and claim "self defense" 


    thats not how it works bud. ofc he will prob get off bc he is a white male. but the kid clearly came there to start trouble and got his ass handed to him and what does he do? decide to kill 


    that is a terrorist. 

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    2 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

    ..Wisconsin Dem governor accepts Fed's assistance.....smart guy...save his city and innocent victims, businesses, etc................

    Trump says he will send federal law enforcement, National Guard to Kenosha after Jacob Blake shooting

    'We will NOT stand for looting, arson, violence, and lawlessness on American streets,' president tweets

    President Trump on Wednesday said he will send federal law enforcement and the National Guard to Kenosha, Wis. to restore “law and order” amid days of unrest in the city.
    “We will NOT stand for looting, arson, violence, and lawlessness on American streets,” the president tweeted Wednesday. “My team just got off the phone with Governor Evers who agreed to accept federal assistance. (Portland should do the same!)”
    The president added: “TODAY, I will be sending federal law enforcement and the National Guard to Kenosha, WI to restore LAW and ORDER!”


    and this helps who? 


    national guard isn't going to arrest white people with guns. they are allowed to kill whoever they want in this country. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. imagine if this happens before a game during the season LOL


    america . please get your ***** together. 

    9 minutes ago, whatdrought said:

    So I had to take a test before going back to school and it was 15 minutes and done on the spot- no lab.


    I take it they’re using something more intensive than that?


    the 15 min tests are not reliable at all, that is why no major sports league uses them. 


    the nasal swab is the most reliable as of now. its actually absurd how the NFL doesn't have their own lab to handle the test capacity. 

  11. 22 minutes ago, machine gun kelly said:

    I mentioned the other day they had 11 picks this year, 10 picks in 2021, and four of those are in the first two rounds.  Penfield, I see them as two years away, but if they pick well, all of these picks plus all the $ they spent in free agency, by 2022, they will field an experienced and most likely a very competitive team.


    yup. dolphins are a sleeping giant right now and they have a top coach. McD and Flores are some of the best young coaches in the league right now 

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  12. On 8/20/2020 at 9:58 AM, Victory Formation said:

    I think it makes a lot of sense... but it also suggests that the Dolphins are still 2-3 years away from competing.. Fitz isn’t going to lead your team to the playoffs but he is one of the smartest QBs in the NFL and it also allows the Dolphins to nurse Tua to full health and give him time to understand the playbook.. Question is, how much time does Tua have before he is the starter? Is it Week 2? Week 6? Week 10? Doubt Fitz makes it through the full season.


    competing for what? the SB? sure maybe. 


    you could say that about us as well. Until we have a top 10 QB we are nowhere near a SB contending team. Dolphins have more talent than a lot of teams in the league right now. They will be a division title contender by next season. 



  13. The way the league has handled the virus and their planning has been a downright joke. the fact that the league is too scared to come out and ban fans for the next season so they don't get backlash from their conservative fanbase is embarrassing. 


    How are some teams allowed to bring in fans but others aren't? How is that even remotely fair? Just ban fans all together until it is safe to do otherwise. 


    Is there even a plan for this? It is just a total mess right now. I don't see the league finishing this season with the way its going right now. players testing positive left and right in training camp, what happens when games start and teams are constantly traveling? There are way too many moving parts in football to get this done properly in this environment. 

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