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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 2 minutes ago, TroutDog said:

    Why not just enjoy this fact instead of crying and having a fit and asking for heads to role: the Bills are up 21-3, Josh is commanding the O and has great numbers save the two fumbles. 


    maybe because our OC is exposing Allen 


    none of that matters if Allen takes 1 shot and his ACL is finished. it almost happened on that fumble, he took a nasty shot to the knee. we are lucky he is a tough player. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, dwight in philly said:

    my point is that compared to "breaking the law" trying to attend a football game or looting and throwing frozen water bottles at the police should be enforced equally!arresting a friggin guy wanting to watch a football game ? maybe a warning?? 


    those protesters who threw stuff at police got arrested, gassed, beaten in the streets like animals. 


    you want equal treatment? Maybe they should gas fans who enter the stadium. 

  3. no more excuses for this guy. It's time to show you can run a top 10 NFL offense. 


    We are tired of our offense lagging so far behind the defense, last season I lost count on how many games our defense won while the offense struggled to score a measly 14 points. Terrible gameplans and head scratching play calling all season long. Daboll was constantly putting Allen under immense pressure with his calls, especially in the playoff game. We barely used Singletary to our advantage, hopefully that changes this season. So far in his career Daboll has shown no evidence he can lead a high powered offense in the NFL, that needs to change. 



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  4. 16 hours ago, dwight in philly said:

    WOW .. Arrest law abiding citizens for trying to attend a football game ! better off  going  out and loot a store and score  some sneakers  unreal




    attending the football game is breaking the law that was set. just sit at home and watch the game like everyone else is doing in the world. 


    this is why everyone makes fun of americans . so much stupidity in this thread its embarrassing. 

    • Like (+1) 4
  5. 18 minutes ago, Gary M said:


    You are a clown




    About the Victim Compensation Fund

    The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund ("VCF") was created to provide compensation for any individual (or a personal representative of a deceased individual) who suffered physical harm or was killed as a result of the terrorist-related aircraft crashes of September 11, 2001 or the debris removal efforts that took place in the immediate aftermath of those crashes. The original VCF operated from 2001-2004.


    Permanent Authorization

    On July 29, 2019, President Trump signed into law H.R. 1327, The Never Forget the Heroes: James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer, and Luis Alvarez Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. The VCF Permanent Authorization Act extends the VCF’s claim filing deadline from December 18, 2020, to October 1, 2090, and appropriates such funds as may be necessary to pay all approved claims. Please see the VCF Permanent Authorization Act page for more details.


    *On july 2019*


    you are telling me it took until 2019 for the american gov to act? your post backfired. congrats 

  6. conservatives LOVE talking about the hero's of 9/11 yet never bring up the fact that the american government basically left them to rot and die alone with the most pathetic excuse for healthcare/benefits for 9/11 first respondents. 


    this is what we should think when we say "never forget" 


    never forget how big of a joke the united states government is. 



    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  7. lets hope for the next 19 years we mourn coronavirus deaths just as we do the same with 9/11. 



    2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    You can’t help but pause today and wonder what was that all about. A bunch of total whack cases flew planes into buildings in hopes of starting the war to end all wars. It didn’t work. The world spent trillions of dollars and lost thousands of brave young people only to put Islamic extremism back in the box and not a single national border was moved on the map. What a waste! I’m so thankful that we finally figured out how to become energy independent. Had we done it 19 years ago this all could’ve been avoided. 


    except islamic extremists are still alive and well , no thanks to America funding their revival lol 


    thankfully people are finally realizing the American government is the biggest terrorist organization in the world.  

  8. 29 minutes ago, MJS said:

    Comparing Kelce to Knox? That's a huge reach. And then Allen to Mahomes is obviously a wide gulf.


    But the biggest difference is Andy Reid's play calling. That dude comes up with some nifty misdirection and interesting designs. He uses motion well. He uses screens well. Daboll isn't anywhere near that.


    Ppl always forget how much of an impact Reid has on how well Mahomes plays. he created an offense perfectly tailored around his QB. Meanwhile Daboll constantly puts Allen under immense pressure during games and has no clue how to develop proper gameplans 

  9. Just now, Call_Of_Ktulu said:

    Whatever the case the money the NFL will be loosing because of this will be astronomical. The owner of the bowling alley wouldn't turn the game on until all the political BS was over and we missed the first 2 min of the game. 20 TV's 28 teams and only like 3 teams were watching the football game. All those commerces before the anthem will be worthless if people don't turn their tv's on until 2 min into the 1 qtr. 


    LOL the NFL is worth 12billion 


    because some hillbilly bowling ally owners don't wanna broadcast their game doesn't mean they will be losing "astronomical money" get a grip bud 

  10. Just now, whatdrought said:

    Why is he misinformed? What points do you disagree with? He even numbered his assertions making it very easy to respond to. To which point do you disagree? 


    "These folks are privileged to play a game for incredible money...they should recognize and appreciate that"


    what the hell does this even mean? so just because they make a lot of money doesn't mean they can speak up on social issues? this seems like you are part of the "shut up and dribble" crowd. If so, please don't support our team or our players. 

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