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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 1 hour ago, Rc2catch said:

    Josh is never going to be as fast or shifty as those other guys. He’s not built to make people miss down field. He’s a bigger target. There’s tons of reasons why he’s never going to be the same kind of scrambler as Murray or Wilson or Lamar. And those reasons are why he’ll never avoid hits the same as them. Those are not learned talents those are god given my friend. 




    so when he ruptures his ACL trying to gain an extra 2 yards using his "god given talent" I wonder how Bills fans will feel 

  2. 8 hours ago, Foxx said:

    like most here, i loved Allen's game yesterday. there is no question that he has come a long way from when he entered the league to where he is today.


    just a note of caution though, this was the first game of a unprecedented off season. one where there were no preseason games and teams with not a whole lot of continuity are going to have initial pains getting into their groove. that being said, the talent difference out there on the field yesterday was stark. if not for the few miscues we had (though to be fair, every team has them), it would have been over at the half. give it a month, we will have a better idea what level we are at after the Dolphins, Rams and Raiders games and for sure will know where we are after the Titans and Chiefs games.


    additionally, i think an argument could be made for Josh's fumbles counting against his passer rating. which i think is partly what ESPN's QBR does. he was 13th in the league yesterday at 71.2. with 4 QB's still to be evaluated tonight, he is middle of the pack either way at this point.


    this reminds me


    our schedule is insanely brutal this season. 

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  3. 10 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Didn’t read this thread but wanted to comment on Daboll. His game plan was great imo. Loved the various sets. I don’t like Designed QB runs BUT I understand why he did it. It was there. Jets couldn’t really stop it. It sets up other things. Loved the play action that was really successful. Loved how this ball was spread around to the WRs plus motor. The play calling really was strong. There was sloppiness on the players part at times with two lost red zone fumbles, 2 missed FGs, Gabriel Davis two missed blocks, the two missed throws  to brown and Knox - otherwise Daboll’s offense would have looked more impressive in the box score. 


    I agree. Dabolls offense did look improved, but he still needs to fix his playcalling near the redzone or when we are inside our 30 . its jut way too inconsistent if we want to be a top team in the league. Allen had a few bad plays yes but its also unfair to him with Daboll forcing him to run so often. 

  4. 1 minute ago, ScottLaw said:

    Yea it’s ridiculous to get on the OC for the calls because their QB is wreck less with the football. They are very effective when he holds onto the football. 


    Allen fumble issues is just 1 aspect of it


    the other is constantly sending our franchise QB into 270LB LB's who area ready to rip his head off. its not worth the risk no matter how effective the plays are. 

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    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. Just now, fansince88 said:

    Did you hear this was a possibility oe just throwing out something to see if people bite?


    hamstring injuries are typically 4-6 weeks. shoulder injuries around 4 weeks as well, depending on severity. like I said hopefully its not serious 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. agree 100% 


    I was totally baffled at some of those playcalls, Josh actually got hurt on that 2nd fumble, he was slow to get up and was limping a bit after taking a shot to his knee. imagine if that was his ACL, out for the season on massive rehab that could have potentially derailed his entire career. 


    all because we have an OC who can't call a consistant gameplan. Mcdermott needs to show some responsibility and tell Daboll enough with the designed runs. 1-2 a game is nice in the redzone or short yardage. Allen runs enough on undesigned plays where he has to pick up yards. 

    • Like (+1) 7
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

    Super Bowl or bust this year!!! Great start, got some things to clean up of course (rushing, ball security come to mind), but overall so much more good than bad—and lifting of the 300 yd monkey also well deserved! 

    But Fitzy is already leaning into the bad parts of his spin cycle, loves him some INT’s—we need to capitalize on that next week. 


    hopefully we are somewhat healthy on defense. need one of edmunds/milano back 

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  8. 51 minutes ago, Magox said:

    Diggs was a difference maker today.   He had 9 targets with 8 catches.


    I"m surprised that he and Josh were as efficient as they were in their first game together.   Can't wait until they begin to open it up some.


    And as far as I'm concerned, they should run the 3-4 WR formations often.  


    yup. allen works best in the spread

  9. Just now, VW82 said:

    Happy for the win but this one definitely wasn't the prettiest. Jets are really bad. Thank goodness we get to play them again in between the Titans, Chiefs, and Pats.


    Congrats to Josh for breaking the 300 yard curse. Hopefully he's a little sharper next week. 




    yup. play like we did in the 2nd half against the titans/patriots and its a different ball game. we have to stay consistant. 

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