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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 3 hours ago, matter2003 said:


    Bills won't be playing Thursday night most likely. Titans game will almost have to be moved if they don't forfeit which means Bills-Chiefs gets moved to Saturday under the plan they have discussed.

    so they move both games to favor the titans and chiefs and screw the bills over in the process? 

    Pegula needs to speak up and say something If this happens. The bills should not be forced to play the titans in the next 2 weeks. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Rochesterfan said:


    This is total Bull.  The NFL has been fine - ONE TEAM did not follow protocol and specific directives.  

    The only thing embarrassing to me is these constant takes.

    I hope you keep this opinion up when they decide to ***** the bills over and move our chiefs game to Saturday and titans game to Monday or Tuesday, basically giving us a massive disadvantage in both games 

  3. Just now, whatdrought said:

    They probably could have done a better job giving flexibility in the schedule, but the reality is that if the titans had anything but ***** for brains, we would still be in a pretty smooth sailing position right now. The protocols work well. The titans need to be shot.

    Watch them try to screw us over so their big market teams can have no worries 


    nfl has been doing it for decades 

  4. 22 minutes ago, PaattMaann said:


    I disagree. I think the NFL has a lot of great protocols in place...and why we have seen very minimal spread of this easily spreadable virus. The breakdown happens when INDIVIDUALS choose not to follow those protocols. I don't fault the NFL for that.


    However, they likely SHOULD HAVE built in shared bye weeks for all teams to make up games that would be cancelled, inevitably. But overall I think they have done a good job. 

    well that’s my point 


    not so much players getting the virus but the lack of planning in response to it. It feels like they are scrambling right now. 

  5. 1 hour ago, TheProcess said:

    Josh still getting no love for MVP on NFL total access. Russ and Rodgers I get. It’s arguable. But no one else should be higher than Allen through 4 games. Not even Mahomes. Tie between Russ, Rodgers, and Allen. We’ll see if our boy can hang with those heavyweights all year long. 




    so pointless. Lamar won it last season and got embarrassed in the playoffs. wish fans would stop putting all this pressure on Allen 

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  6. 10 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:



    I mean if the nfl investigates and finds out that they broke protocol and its their fault then yes they should take responsibility. but no chance the league makes them forfeit. it will be rescheduled at a later date. 

    we should just skip the titans game and play at a later date, move on to the chiefs game. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, YoloinOhio said:

    No positives on chiefs yet. 


    you clearly don't know how the virus works either if you think this is good news lol


    look how long it took for Gilmore's test to come back positive 


    it could take 1 week before the Chiefs players test positive and by that time they would have already played another game. 

  8. On 10/5/2020 at 3:46 PM, thronethinker said:

    Having won all 4 games thus far the Bills can go .500 the rest of the season and be in very comfortable position to make the playoffs. That would put them at 10-6 and at that record could still be the division winner. Now I am not at all saying they will go 6-6 the rest of the season, but barring injury to Allen I see them going at worst 7-5, and that is my worst case scenario. If the Titans game goes on as scheduled Sunday Tennessee will be very depleted missing so many players. Suddenly that game is extremely winnable if it goes on. Chiefs game will be so tough, but Buffalo can pull it off. At that point Bills are 6-0 or 5-1 at worst. 



    10-6 might get you the playoffs but not the division. Pats still look like a 11-12 win team. And we have always struggled to beat them. 

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