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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 1 minute ago, Nelius said:


    Penfield you are REALLY enjoying this and laying it on way too thick. 


    I mean it's been clear that you're a troll for awhile now, but it's crickets during a victory, and dozens of excited little boys posts like this when they're losing. Beyond obvious trolling.

    oh piss off


    trolling? I’ve been saying for weeks this defense will cost us down the line and and looks like they are


    we are a mess. How am I trolling when I’m calling it like it is. We don’t look like winning more than 7-8 wins with this schedule 

  2. Just now, Watkins90 said:

    Guys, let's focus on winning the division for the first time in 20 years before we try and take the Super Bowl. 


    This game isn't over. Let's see if someone can step up and make a play.


    Also, we have Jets and Pats after this. We get those and we are 6-2 and 3 games up on any team in the division. That's a sold position to be in. 

    winning the division ?


    with this defense ?



    that’s a joke right ?

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