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Everything posted by asyranok

  1. I'd push back on that. Lamar has not been abysmal in the playoffs. The Ravens have been. Every time he's been in the playoffs, I've felt like he was the only one making ANY attempt to win. The rest of the team around him just... chokes. Don't get me wrong, most of his playoff performances are on the "worst of his games" list, but he is always the only one in those games getting anything done. And then his team lets him down and he gets the lionshare of the blame for it for some reason.
  2. Just wanted to rub it in the faces of the Josh Allen doubters. I told you Ravens fans know an elite QB in the making when they see one. You might think seeing tons of good QB's on your team for decades is the best way to identify a future all star. But the real litmus test for being able to spot a pro QB is having the worst (or most disappointing and underperforming) QB's in the nfl playing for you for most of your life as a fan. Makes it all so much clearer when you see someone good who just needs some time. I'll make sure to come back and rub it in your faces more after he wins you a superbowl.
  3. But you also have to consider that the Ravens pass defense was primarily responsible for all of these losses. Up to and including the Ravens vs Browns loss, the Ravens pass defense was one of the worst in NFL history, statistically. Since that loss to the Browns, they adjusted and reformulated. Since the game after the Browns, the Ravens pass defense has actually become the NUMBER ONE pass defense in the league (over this subset of games). The fact that the Ravens are still dead last in pass defense rankings is a testament to how truly awful they were up to that Browns loss. With the pass defense now, seemingly corrected, the primary thing to beat the Ravens is to rely on penalties... they can't help themselves, or to rely on them beating themselves. For example, Eddie Jackson (free safety) dropped three Jameis Winston interceptions in that Browns game. Two of them were babies first interception-levels of easy. And if he had caught either, the game would have almost certainly been a Ravens win. Then, Kyle Hamilton dropped an easy throw straight into his chest by Jameis, which absolutely was a game winning INT if he caught it. There was around two minutes left, and the next play was a touchdown by Jameis to take the final lead. Long story short, the Ravens can definitely beat themselves. They also did this against the Eagles. But if they don't embody the meme of the kid on a bicycle jamming a stick into the wheel spokes, asking why everything went wrong, then there isn't some clear gameplan to beat them that you can study.
  4. His ability to withstand an insane rush without collapsing. I understand that it is hard to wrap ones' head around. And maybe It's the worst time for me to call him out as a QB of the future because of it, but I think that seeing a QB at his worst, while performing admirably, is a little bit more predictive than him performing at his best when he has an easy ride. I know, that's not a great explanation. Maybe this is purely from emotion, but I have never seen a crappy Ravens QB perform like that in what is possibly the worst game of his career. It's not something that is inherently easy to explain. So take it as a grain of salt. But I've watch the Ravens since 1999 more or less every game; and I can't say I've ever felt that good about a sh*tty performance from Testaverde, Banks, Dilfer, Grbac, Redmond, Wright, Boller, or any other tragic QB we had until Flacco. And even with Flacco, when he had a terrible game, I am not sure I had hopeful feelings about his future. He was a different QB entirely when the playoffs were on the line. Not the same expectations I had then. He blew my mind with the 2012 Superbowl run, and I admit that. The Bills O-line was crap against the Ravens. You fix that, and give Allen an extra second to throw, and he can be awesome. Don't be the Colts and ruin a good QB's career by failing to protect him (I know "you" have nothing at all to do with that). After Luck, I think any team can learn from that. I am sure the Bills can. Also, please look at some of the better QB's in recent history. Their first season sucked. Their second season was not incredibly impressive. I don't think Allen is the next Peyton Manning or Pat Mahomes. I am not suggesting that by any means. But I think he might potentially be capable of being Elite if the offense continues to be built around him, and the defense is this good to give him the opportunities he has to make a big difference. If his defense suddenly sucks, I would not say that he can lead the Bills to a superbowl despite that. I have faith; Not a dream.
  5. Also... I am reading through this thread... Trust me. Josh Allen is a future "Well Above Average" to "Elite" QB. I promise you (again as a Ravens fan) that I know a competent QB when I see one (aka they are on the other team) unless they are the 2012 Playoffs Flacco or 2019 Jackson. The best QB we had before them was Vinny Testaverde. Allen is an excellent QB. He has to want to be better; and the Bills need to continue building around him. If they do, he's a top 8 QB for sure. If they cater to him, he's more of a Steve Young type QB. It's up to coaching. The raw talent is clearly there. I know talent when I see it; considering that I know a complete black hole of talent when I don't see it at that position.
  6. Ravens fan here. (I know "X" fan here posts can get old). Gotta say that the Bills are the last team I want to see in the playoffs. I have a lot of respect for the Patriots, Bills, and 49ers, among other great teams. As far as this year is concerned, the only teams that I have seen that can potentially dominate the Ravens at their best, it's the Bills and 49ers. Call me a sucker for something that resembles the 2000 Ravens. I am not so sure the Bills are the next superbowl winners this year, even though they obviously have the chance this year in the AFC outside of the Ravens. But I am really excited about the Bills going forward, especially with Allen, Singletary, Beasley, and that defense. Might not be a super popular opinion here for me to say that you are the second best after the Patriots for one last time, (although I'd rather the Ravens play the Patriots than the Bills in the playoffs), but your team is the future of the AFC EAST guaranteed after this year. And I'm personally looking forward to that. I was even more worried about this game than I was against the 49ers, even if others might not agree with me. But you have a lot to look forward to. Go bills!
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