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Einstein's Dog

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Everything posted by Einstein's Dog

  1. I would think a veteran RB is also in play. One at a good price. Hyde, Freeman, maybe L Miller. Short term deal to be RB2 while the draft pick they get develops.
  2. Knox is exciting and I love the guy. Easy to root for and a beast with the ball. He's got to get better and stop dropping the easy ones. I think he will. I'm expecting big improvement because he now has a year in the system, a year with the QB, and will be in an offense that will have more weapons. I'm glad the FO resisted the temptation to go with a FA number one TE. I think one big way for sustained success is when draft choices are peppered throughout the starting lineup. I think Knox will be one of those, he just needs the chance.
  3. I'm on the 2 out of 3 ain't bad bandwagon. Of course Josh's continued improvement is huge. And it's exciting because many, including myself, expect it to happen. Secondly, most here expect RB2 additions. Myself, I would like to see a vet and a draftee. For Vets, the OP seemed to miss Hyde as an option. Hyde or Freeman are my top 2 options and then someone in the draft. Get a late vet who would then be coming in a bargain price, humble and hungry. Also draft one for the future. I would like to see the edge improved. Would really elevate the whole rest of the D if there was more pressure. But not at the expense of the future number 1 pick. No way. This team is on a plan to be a multi year contender. Don't get overanxious and give away a future number one to get an expensive piece. I would much rather just pay the piper and bring in Clowney over paying big and giving up a future number one to bring in YN.
  4. Of course I want Josh to improve. Most people here do. IMO, he is on a great arc. Now he has increased weapons and some consistency of personnel (O line). I expect the improvement to continue. Great kid, easy to root for, the opportunity is right there for a great future for Josh and the Bills. I really want to see him win Daboll's and Mc's confidence. The Bills O needs to attack more. It was close to embarrassing the last year near the end of half's, under 2 minutes, when the Bills had the ball and timeouts and would sit on it. Yes, they had the lead but c'mon, I really want to see them have some faith in Josh. Continue to attack. It's a needed step to be considered a legitimate contender.
  5. Gordon's gone. Just as well. For sustained excellence you need draft choices that play major roles. Singletary is one that can do that for the Bills. I don't want to see him backseated by a self absorbed Gordon. I'm still holding out hope for D Freeman. He could share time w Singletary while being really good. And draft one so that in a year Singletary will be the vet and the draftee will be the youngster. Freeman and Singletary would be an excellent duo. A substantial upgrade over 2019.
  6. I am in the small contingent that likes Freeman. While I think Gordon might be a touch better, I do not agree with Gordon's sense of self worth. And I fear he views himself as the main man. I want to groom Singletary for the main job. Freeman has split carries almost his entire time. And Freeman is better than Hyde. A Freeman/Singletary 1-2 punch would be an excellent pair. Big upgrade from the Gore/Singletary 2019 duo.
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