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Everything posted by BehindTheWoodshed

  1. I would think somewhere around 33%
  2. No way, he's just getting established here.
  3. Any family party I have been to where we are watching a game, this discussion breaks out. It has been a "thing" for decades, nothing new.
  4. Yeah, I hear ya. I did not mind the Tre White Dak imitation. I did mind the not paying Dak mic'd up thing. However I also don't know if White was saying anything at the time.
  5. I change the channel when they all run to the end zone to take the "picture"
  6. While that sounds like it could be interesting to listen to, I'm sure you're correct. I can't even handle the team photo celebrations let alone hear what they are all saying.
  7. Some ex-players are very good analysts, I like Willie McGinest, he's usually fair, to the point. Carr is the opposite, it's just all transparent opinion and no homework.
  8. I think his unconventional running style could help, but yeah, all the things you said make sense too.
  9. That's actually a pretty good idea.
  10. I don't know if it was Lawson or not, but the "now we know why they don't pay Dak" stuff was of pretty poor taste IMO.
  11. Maybe, but I don't hear 95% of them mic'd up. That seems like a very high percentage to me, not sure I'd buy that.
  12. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/221052-wegman’s-re-launching-flutie-flakes-for-ravens-game/page/2/#comments Oh, they are Maple Bacon Doughnuts, my mistake. So they probably taste great.
  13. I don't recall Bruce "talking" like I have seen Lawson talk.
  14. Hopefully not a box of the cinnamon bacon doughnut cereal that John Murphy eats, yuck.
  15. I forgot, were Flutie Flakes just plain corn flakes or did they have sugar like Frosted Flakes?
  16. I am not a fan, never have been of that type of player.
  17. I don't even want to take a guess, no clue.
  18. Well then I guess neither should we, darn.
  19. No I would not like to see him back. He's had availability issues ever since his rookie year in the preseason with the rib injury. Plus I think he lacks the proper attitude to play on this team.
  20. I wonder how this movie will do at the Box Office.
  21. Well, it's both surprising and unsurprising at the same time.
  22. Lamar will be stopped by a defense at some point, just not sure it will be anytime soon.
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