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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. Agreed. This late season run has given me a lot more reasons to watch the other games going on and not just Bills game. Tomorrow, nothing will be able to pry me away from a TV until after either the Jets or Broncos lose.
  2. I don't see how - its going to take a Bills win for these other scenarios to pan out. As someone previously said, if the Bills can't beat the Steeler's backups, they shouldn't be in the playoffs anyways.
  3. last I checked, you can get it from Amazon.com for 30% off - 17.46 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=books&n=507846
  4. Do the Steelers fear the reaper? Time for an impromptu cowbell parade...
  5. Likewise...there will be many more games, I am sure. I'm already making preparations for a trip to Indy next weekend. Its a shame that San Diego is so far.
  6. Give me a break...you have a topic like that and give us that bull sh--? Can't you elaborate?
  7. God damn what a scary lady. Tell her to make Mawae suddenly get a case of the sh-- while Pennington is getting ready to snap the ball. I would watch that game OVER the Bills game if that happened.
  8. I was a lot more excited, because I was planning on heading up for the game. Turns out that I won't be able to make it, so I'll be catching up with the local Bills backers. Not quite as exciting...
  9. In 11 minutes, you made three replies to your own post. Perhaps you should allow people the time to respond. Perhaps they think the topic is worthless.
  10. here
  11. Perhaps he's missing a limb or two
  12. I still plan on meeting up with you guys...at this point, I'm having a difficult time rounding up someone to make the trip with me. I might just say screw it and go by myself. Any SW Ohio folks want to split the cost of the drive up?
  13. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? I don't know you, but I've seen pictures, and I can guarantee that if you're sitting with your wife, no one that I know would have the balls to screw around. You would pummel me in a heartbeat.
  14. I'm sure there will be plenty, but they'll be treated no differently than Jets, Patsies, or Dolphins fans.
  15. Now that is cowbell! (see his avatar - its like Will Ferrell having a seizure)
  16. Sure is going to be fun being at the stadium if the Jets are losing late in the game. The place is going to go absolutely crazy.
  17. After a bit of research, it looks like the local CBS is: http://www.wcax.com/Global/link.asp?L=28069 Right now, on their listings page, it says "Teams TBA"
  18. Lets go Buffalo!
  19. I might pick one up locally, just for the hell of it.
  20. um...bisonbells?
  21. I'm blaming your family if it all goes sour.
  22. Our very own Michael Vick
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