You can't teach an old dog new tricks...
If JPL isn't destined to start next season, he damn well better be All-World when he takes over the reigns in '06.
Thats gotta be pretty friggin traumatic for the driver. Can you imagine being covered head to toe in blood and guts, meanwhile practically having a heart attack because a dear just exploded in your face?
that entire halftime show was a joke - i have a feeling the people who put that together pretty well guaranteed that they'll never get to put on another show like that
My trip to the game this past weekend was pretty weird:
Dec. 19 - Bills at Bengals - Cincinnati - single digit wind chill with snow
Jan. 2 - Steelers at Bills - Buffalo - mid to upper 40's
Seemed bass-ackwards
If its not Drew, it'll be some other poor soul. Face isn't football without fans bitching about stuff. Thats why there are 100s of different forums for 32 teams.
A bit off topic, but still on the topic of being a returner - how many fumbles did Clements have this season on punt returns?
I'm a huge fan of Nates (OH-IO), but god damn, hold on to the !@#$ing ball.
There was another one in her group (right in front of me during the game) that I preferred, but i can't seem to find her on the Jills website. Petite little blonde...w00t
You know, I don't think that Tagliabue had his priorities straight.
I do like your proposed divisions. Sure would've made for 3-4 good road trips every season.
They actually executed the play very well...I was thoroughly confused, even after multiple replays.
The announcers gave big props to Beamer for having such a prepared team.