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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. I did just fine. Perhaps its not effective against Firefox?
  2. right click, under zoom, select the full screen option
  3. rubber gloves going on - some ***** about to happen
  4. forget strippers? yeah...........
  5. the guy in the room across the desk is dancing now...pretty funny stuff
  6. Thats nothing...just imagine the money that they're paying on this: http://www.newsrecord.org/news/2004/12/01/...on-817249.shtml At least I know what those "misc expenses" on my tuition bill are going towards.
  7. http://www.ssur.org/images/Signatures/Ariz...nals_Sig_04.jpg Nice progression. Personally, I like it - the old one was OLD...
  8. The same will happen with Britney, except I won't care nearly as much as I would've a year or two ago.
  9. Thanks for the input. Its nothing something that I'm too serious about, I'm just working up a design for the webpage and might help out if he gets it off the ground. Realistically, I think that there is a lot more than just beer and strippers... Hell, locally I could think of a day consisting of: - Picked up by limo/party bus - Taken to a Reds game - luxury box seats - Taken from Reds game to Indiana, to gamble on the boats - Taken from casinos to bars/clubs - End the night at strip club/private party Obviously, waivers would be signed before anything took place. I don't know. Like I said, none of us have been married, but I have a feeling that when my group of friends do start getting married, there are going to be some kick ass bachelor parties. Regardless, thanks for the input. I'll post a link if/when it happens.
  10. If nothing else, we'd be doing it for a good time. Nothing quite like getting to know strippers on a first name basis in order to know who to recommend for our "clients". We certainly wouldn't be looking to quit our jobs to do this full time.
  11. A buddy, who knows that I do a fair amount of web & graphic design, asked me the other day if I would start helping him out with a possible business venture that he's thinking about. Basically, he wants to set something up, similar to a wedding planner, but instead of planning the wedding, it would be planning the bachelor party. Who better to set something like that up for 10-20 guys than a group of people with contacts to all of the hot spots - limo agency, strip clubs, sports teams, casinos, etc? What do you guys think? Is this something that a "best man" would utilize? We're all still early 20's, so we haven't exactly dealt with planning bachelor parties yet, but in 5+ years in a fraternity, we know how to plan a good night of fun. Just curious...
  12. Only thing about a Kenny Chesney concert that is enjoyable is all the hot ass girls sporting cowboy hats. I took my girlfriend a few years ago and got in trouble for paying more attention to all the surrouding ladies than her.
  13. I'm sure his career will be summed up in such a way.
  14. Smoker blows...thats why he's in St. Louis (or the Betty Ford Clinic)
  15. firefox 1.0 looks good
  16. Philadelphia cream cheese?
  17. Yeah - that was a great promo. Don't anticipate that happening again anytime soon...it was an end of quarter push due to lagging sales in Oct.
  18. Tell you what though, as much as I hate them, the towels, in addition to those yellow seats in Heinz stadium, certainly show a lot of yellow when watching on TV. It was funny watching the place clear out towards the end of the game though. I wonder how many of those smelly Steeler fans jumped off the bridges and will be washing down my direction within a few days.
  19. At least he got it honest. Daddy was known for some fits, himself.
  20. All Dell Direct Stores do have both the 600m and 700m on display, side by side. Realistically, to stay closer to the $1000 range, you should be leaning towards the 600m. A comparably equipped 700m is going to get you closer to the $1300-1500 mark. Honestly, the 700m is my favorite Dell notebook. Extremely small and the display is AWESOME (glossy display, similar to those found on HP, Sony, etc.). Its up to you to decide the pros and cons, as the 600m will definitely be more affordable.
  21. stevestojan or get off the pot (just kidding)
  22. Big Ben is a rookie - unfortunately, I think we can get used to seeing him lead a playoff team. Eli Manning, on the other hand, had arguably one of the best offenses in NFL history and STILL could not make it to the big game. How friggin disheartening is that to Indy fans, after that kind of a season by him.
  23. I'm depressed. I feel obligated to cheer on Philly in the Super Bowl...
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