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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. speak for yourself. my gut is overhanging my belt.
  2. Game over http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/news;_ylc=X3oD...ov=cp&type=lgns
  3. I did that for a girlfriend back in high school. It was cheesy, but trust me, it was appreciated.
  4. what is Terry Donahoe doing making decisions in the Bills front office?
  5. Seeing as how I can't recall you making a logical post regarding the sport of football, I'm not surprised to see you say this. Good lord...have you not watched the last two seasons?
  6. big party at willis mcgahee's cousin's brother's wife's house. w00t
  7. my day has finally arrived. 1,000 posts go quickly when 90% are off topic.
  8. long faces? hell, i'm pumped up to see TKO, Clements, and McGee in action today... the long face will be tomorrow, when i realize that I have to watch Nascar, baseball, and basketball to make up for the lack of NFL.
  9. Lets hope that Wyche is glued to his hip for 10 hours a day until the season starts...turn this kid into an NFL QB
  10. congrats to mangina...may he contribute to the demise of patsyland.
  11. I plan to send my deposit for 3 in two weeks...
  12. My parents have DirecTV, so I've watched it many times. Us T-W customers are definitely missing out...
  13. now if only Time Warner would get on board - they seem to be the only big cable company not yet offering it
  14. 78 on my first... in my opinion, that guy lives too far from the bar. i'm less than 2 blocks away from 5-10 pretty cool bars here in Cincy...
  15. You can't leave Hugh G. Rection off of that list!
  16. I've got $5 going towards The "TomBradyIsStillAHomo" Center
  17. Damn...I think I might have an extra. I was going to take you up on the DVD offer.
  18. His mama didn't jump on the field and want to hear his battle cry.
  19. Charlie Daniels was pretty impressive on the pre-game show. That chick from the Black Eyed Peas gave me a chub.
  20. Lets hope that tonight was the beginning of the end for the Patriots. 3 in 4 is quite an accomplishment...time for this "dynasty" to end.
  21. I seriously think that the Eagles have never run a 2 minute drill. They ran off nearly a minute before the 2 minute warning, then 10-15 seconds on their final posession going out of their own end zone. Really pathetic.
  22. here here
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