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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. Damnit...i guess I have to stop calling him "kid". He's 7 months older than me.
  2. The Bills show up at #15 out of 92. http://proxy.espn.go.com/espn/sportsnation...anks?sport=null
  3. nice...I've been meaning to check out a Cincinnati Mighty Ducks game.
  4. Travelling isn't a major factor...remember, I intend to purchase season tickets while living in Ohio, so if I have to drive an hour to 2, I can get by.
  5. My full-time job has taken priority. I intend to complete my degree whereever I land. I'm persuing a liberal arts degree, so I can get it anywhere.
  6. Its looking like there might be opportunities for me to transfer to New York later on this year. I see this as an opportunity to be closer to Bills games (i'm single, i'm allowed to make stupid decisions ). Location is not available yet, but if I were to move to WNY, any suggestions on where to live?
  7. Do us good...i don't want to have to run you out of town in a few years. We've had enough of that lately.
  8. Can of worms. Check. Can opener. Check. ...
  9. I hate the Patriots as much as anyone, but damn, I hope he's ok.
  10. agreed - for me, she's taking the spot as #1 hottie in front of kate
  11. Cincy game would be great...i could play it over and over to my Bengals fan roommate.
  12. Jack's dad at the bar?
  13. Thanks Drew. Now don't let the door hit you in the ass...
  14. Notice how Locke always appears when someone is having their sentimental moment with the island (the boar). The man is running this sh--. I have no doubt.
  15. I love it...nothing better than right field seats on a Sunday afternoon. Bear in mind, I'm only a baseball fan until football training camps start. From April - July, I typically hit up 15-20 games. I lose interest once I can get Bills news.
  16. Its a shame...he's a local boy and fan favorite, but the team would be so much better off with him gone due to his salary. I'm excited for opening day...I live about 3 minutes from GABP.
  17. FYI, since a lot of you are hockey fans, if you want to contribute to this guy's project, here is the info: REQUIREMENTS: >The picture must show your face and the logo of the jersey. (Vintage ok, but current styles preferred.) >Group shots are fine, as long as they meet criteria >No obscene gestures or suggestive signs or any of that. WHERE WILL THIS BE SEEN? >A poster will be sent to Commisioner Gary Bettman, NHLPA head Bob Goodenow, and when the announcement is made, at a candlelight vigil outside HP Pavilion at San Jose. My Sharks site, the Teal Town Zone located at http://www.tealtownzone.com will remain blank and show only the finalized poster in a desktop wallpaper size. >Media outlets will also likely show this when the season is cancelled and distributed to be a part of their stories. >the wallpaper will be sent via email to TSN, CBC, ESPN, and Rogers SportsNet to show in their reports. >I am emailing a copy to ESPN's John Buccigross and Darren Pang in hopes they mention it in their next column AND hopefully, be a part of it. So PLEASE get the word out! Send pictures to: e-mail: Puckguy14@aol.com and put "NHL Lockout Picture" in the subject head. IMs: AOL/AIM: Puckguy14 Yahoo!: Puckguy14 MSN: Puckguy14@hotmail.com (DO NOT EMAIL PICS TO THE HOTMAIL ADDRESS!) Just remember... Who are they REALLY locking out? and if they do cancel, THANKS FOR NOTHING!
  18. A guy one another forum that I read is putting together a large poster collage to send to the NHL front office...to see his current progress, check it out at: http://www.tealtownzone.com/
  19. Bills are not going to release Bledsoe. Instead, the important announcement is new uniforms featuring 3 shades of fuschia
  20. realplayer
  21. someone should tell these !@#$s that their conversations are being broadcast to the world
  22. a lot of leisure suit larry love in this thread
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