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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. If you're in the normal Buffalo viewing area, you'll be able to watch the game on your local affiliate. When the Bengals play on Thursday night, we get it on BOTH the NFL Network and the local NBC/CBS so that shlubs like you () can watch it.
  2. Already got tickets to the ceremony, but opting to watch the game at home in HD. Sorry, but I'm not spending $60 a ticket to sit in Fawcett stadium...place is a dump.
  3. well, that didn't take long: http://www.cafepress.com/TObuffalo
  4. I'll admit, this isn't much of a contribution to this thread, but if Barwin gets drafted by the Bills, I'll be the first in line for a jersey. Go Bearcats! Go Bills!
  5. I think she said "Jarrah?", which is Sayid's last name
  6. Confirmed as: "Other than you and Jin, who else is still here"... Good job, Duey
  7. touche - about to watch it again with my roommate, will see if i can decipher it this time.
  8. I have it DVR'd and watched it about 4 times immediately as it happened and could NOT make out she said. I assumed it was along the lines of "I think you and Jin don't want us here"...but it was so garbled together. I literally said "WTF" out loud...?
  9. bet you can't guess which one is mine
  10. Its obvious that the front office counted on a boost in ticket sales - the text message I got last night said something along the lines of "The Buffalo Bills officially announce TO. The ticket office will be open extended hours on Sunday." In other words "come and get it, sheep"
  11. Go ahead, drink a little more.
  12. Not my original idea, but if you use the Google "dig a hole through Earth" tool, the exact opposite side of the world from Tunisia is in the middle of the SW Pacific...
  13. I canceled mine before last season for very similar reasons as you. I'm still a huge Bills fan, and I'll be looking to make 1-2 trips a year (last year, I went to Jacksonville, St Louis, and 1 game in Buffalo), but I just could't justify that level of commitment when there hasn't been much return. My seat is better filled by someone who can party pre-game, go to the game, then have a short ride home. The 400 mile drive home, loss after loss, really starts to make you wonder why you continue to put yourself through the torment.
  14. I thought that Horace sure looked a lot like the Jacob that I remember (partially) seeing
  15. Children of ugly people are offended
  16. I've never been turned down by a dead chick
  17. Yes sir...despite the popular notion that the lowly Bearcats won the Big East because it was a down year, they did have some NFL caliber talent that was steering the ship And I must say, while I still love the Buffalo Bills, I've never been more excited about a football season than I am this upcoming UC schedule!
  18. I watched the Air Force One show right before the Lincoln show that you're talking about...that thing is AMAZING!
  19. Nice call. I'm a big Roush fan - no particular driver, I just pull for that whole team (although I am leaning towards Ragan this year).
  20. Leave my dad out of this
  21. Yeah, F that - they're talking about some crazy strong storms here in Cincy tomorrow, and Columbus is only ~100 miles northeast. Be safe - I've been to Crew Stadium. Nice, but LOTS of metal - not a place I want to be if there's lightning.
  22. OFFICIAL week 1 game thread
  23. Anyone seem to think that the burying of the "H-bomb" is what eventually resulted in the hatch?
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