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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. Round the world and home again That's the sailor's way Faster faster, faster faster There's no earthly way of knowing Which direction we are going There's no knowing where we're rowing Or which way the river's flowing Is it raining, is it snowing Is a hurricane a-blowing Not a speck of light is showing So the danger must be growing Are the fires of Hell a-glowing Is the grisly reaper mowing Yes, the danger must be growing For the rowers keep on rowing And they're certainly not showing Any signs that they are slowing
  2. "I'll tell you what, you can take a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there, but wouldn't you rather take his word for it?"
  3. http://cdn.fd.uproxx.com/wp-content/upload...avatar-lost.jpg
  4. True - I'm still thinking that Hanso/Dharma and Whitmore (especially) have played a big part in keeping Smokey on the island all this time.
  5. Best episode in a LONG time, if not the best thus far. Amazing! Any significance of the Bible verse(s) that Richard was reading? http://tweetphoto.com/15575304 http://bible.oremus.org/?passage=Luke+4:21-30
  6. Biggest revelation for me is that, according to Richard, if Jacob touched you, you're immortal.
  7. I think that it was a coincidence - it was more of 2 supports with a cross bar, with only 1 support on fire, making it appear to be a crucifix. I'm sure we'll soon know if it was caught by the majority, as there will be calls for Lost to be taken off the air - to which, I'll be ready for war.
  8. Sawyer - the future "Jacob"?
  9. Has to be - unless the other guy can be 2 places at once.
  10. Yeah, that was F'd up. His head bounced a good 3 feet.
  11. You're right - I remember during his HOF speech, he mentioned that he either had or was planning on moving back to WNY. Eh, oh well.
  12. I didn't ask for anything, but got a pretty sweet Thurman Thomas Mitchell & Ness authentic throwback w/ the 75th Anniversary patch on the shoulder. Since Thurmal lives in Orlando now, I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for any opportunities when I might be able to get him to sign it.
  13. As a UC fan, I'm glad to see Quinn get the chance to head out on his own. He's been Brian Kelly's OC for like 15+ years, so it's nice to see someone take a shot at him with the reigns.
  14. i suggest checking this guy out as an alternative...good interaction and no commercials http://www.ustream.tv/channel/buffalo-bills-now
  15. Like what? Skeletor with breasts?
  16. "How big are your balls?"
  17. dude...read the thread
  18. cute little kid, but her mom has got to be one of the most bizarre looking people I've ever seen...
  19. I hear you... The Bills will be 200 miles from me next Sunday. I can get tickets for next to nothing, have a free place to crash, etc. Furthermore, my college team has a bye week, so no other football games to hold my interest. I'm not going...I just don't care. Only reason I logged on here was to see what the final score was, as I haven't paid attention to the NFL in the last several weeks.
  20. He's still celebrating the Browns victory.
  21. I say hire them both back. Associate head coaches. They can fight to the death for the lead position, and the winner gets dismembered by the fans.
  22. And it doesn't mean that one of those WINNERS wants to destroy his legacy by coaching this franchise and getting canned in 3 years because he can't win with the meager roster that he has.
  23. Great question. I think I'd rather have AIDS than be a Bills fan. At least there's medication and a little bit of hope. Instead, I suffer...just isn't in my blood to jump ship.
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