He was certainly joking around, but the guy in front of me at the Jets game was saying how Rob Johnson is better than JP. I told him to take it back or I'd sick the meathead yelling at the Jets fans on him.
Its not the one that I originally wanted, but it fits the need:
All the others were full sized vans w/ V8 motors - not exactly the most practical for a 900 mile round trip 6-8 times per year. Fortunately, the V6 in this guy will probably save me some money in the long run.
Now to figure out what I'm going to do about converting that GREEN into a more favorable appearance...might not happen until the offseason, but its a start!
It should be making the trip up for the Patriots game - probably won't look like anything special then, though.
I believe that they said they would give something like 7-10 days notice of a game shange. The more time, the better, so those of us travelling from out of town will be able to make arrangements.
Jim Kelly? The guy looks more like Jim Belushi...
"In order, from left to right:
Jim Kelley, Ruben Brown, Charles Tillman, Rolland Harper, and Dave Duerson...for now...."
What kind of environment is it for fans of the visiting team?
I intend to keep my nose clean, but I've seen plenty of fans get messed with just for wearing the other team's colors (at other stadiums, including the Ralph), so I'm kind of curious as to what to expect.