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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. It wasn't in HD because CBS sucks and has to choose which games are HD and which are not. Fox broadcasts ALL of their games in HD.
  2. I was stuck at work and didn't get to watch it...?
  3. Christ...I'm at work AGAIN, and this NFL.com gamecast is making me not care about football at all today
  4. Not too worried about that - since this is a "pleasure" vehicle, only being driven ~5000 miles or less a year, my policy only went up ~$15.00/month by adding it.
  5. I hear ya, but white gets so damn dirty...red is still bright even when covered in WNY dirty slush
  6. Definitely leaning towards the red, although blue was my initial choice. Hmmm...
  7. You've probably seen my other thread by now about my new tailgating van...I'm torn on which color scheme to paint it and need your input. Click the poll choices to see a Photoshopped mock-up of each. Original thread is at: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=50963&hl= Thanks...
  8. Missing a couple of letters in the URL and your name makes me want to punch you. That is all.
  9. Not sure who is wearing the Flutie jersey, but the Wire jersey is being worn by Pinto Kenny.
  10. We considered it, but red would mean more vinyl, which would be more expensive. Also, the blue will cover up the existing green easier than red, also which would save some time and money. http://michaelgalati.com/displayimage.php?album=19&pos=6 It would look pretty badass though - red w/ a white (painted) brush guard on the front - would look just like a helmet
  11. The concept for Phase 2. Input would be appreciated... http://michaelgalati.com/displayimage.php?album=19&pos=5
  12. My pictures from the game: http://michaelgalati.com/thumbnails.php?album=20
  13. I agree with the point that you're making, but the difference between the charger game last year and this bears game (I was at both), is that we knew that we were out of it last november. the bears game was a kick in the nuts early in the season, potentially showing us things that we might be in for in the remaining 11 games (I don't think so though).
  14. Phase 1 of actually acquiring the van is complete. Sirius satellite receiver and Bills window film/license plate holder installed, meaning this thing is ready for its first trip up for the Patriots game. Phase 2 of painting it will most likely occur this winter/next spring, unless I get some time off and get really motivated. Some pictures of its humble beginnings: http://michaelgalati.com/thumbnails.php?album=19
  15. Its definitely one of the oldest - I think that the design of newer stadiums probably add to what you're talking about. Then again, just about every person that I've taken to a Bills game with me has made the comment that the Ralph looks a lot like a college stadium.
  16. Please don't give Hammer any ideas
  17. One of the guys that regularly tailgates w/ Pinto Kenny had an old Antoine Winfield jersey at the game this past weekend... He modifed with duct tape to say: "Just WIN...no more excuses" I couldn't have said it better myself
  18. Well, everything that I read beforehand said that it looks like a "spaceship dropped on the old Soldier Field" and I honestly cannot think of a better description. The inside was impressive - the walkways around the stadium were very open aired with vendors on both sides. Restrooms seemed to be pretty small, but at least you didn't have to piss in a trough. Sounds cliche, but I truly don't think that there could've been a bad seat in the house. Individual seats were relatively comfortable and seemed to be a bit wider than other stadiums that I have been in. I didn't hit up many of the vendors, but soda was $4.00/bottle and beer was $6.50 for a 16 oz can. All in all, a great place for football - one of the highlights of the day was the view when leaving the stadium - nothing quite like looking out across a marina to see tailgate lots with the lake on the other side filled with sailboats. Very cool place.
  19. Glad you had a good time and that they could provide you and your buddies w/ a win last week...I'm 0-2 on the season, so a win vs. the Patriots would be beautiful. Thanks again!
  20. Ok, so we've been back for a few hours, but I'll admit, we passed out on the couch for a while upon getting back to our friend's place in the NW part of the city. The day started at 5am - we woke up, headed to the store to get some ice and coffee, and were at the Travel Lodge to meet Aussie and Pinto Kenny at 6am. By 6:30, we were the first Bills fans in our lot - we set up home base with 3 cars, 2 grills, and a lot of beer. It took a while before all of the folks that had been invited showed up, but straggling Bills fans walked through all morning, most of whom wanted to do a bowling ball shot with the legend. By about 9:30 or so, we has a pretty large contingent - I'd say upwards of 25-30 Bills fans (perhaps more). Around 11, my buddy and I made our way to the stadium. All in all, I got minimal hazing on the walk over...the bit that I did get was jawing by some pretty good football fans. Our seats were pretty solid - endzone corner with almost an identical view that I have from my Rockpile seats at the Ralph. When I order them w/ the Ticketmaster rep, I was told that we'd have an obstructed view, but it was perfect. As we all know, the Bills were clearly beaten by a better team today, and it was dificult to sit through it, but we managed to tough it out. Very few !@#$s in our section, but the few that WERE there left with ~5 minutes left in the game. Solid turnout by Bills fans in the stadium - I would say that it was comparable to the number of Jets fans at the Bills home opener this year. Definitely enough to have been able to make some noise if the Bills could've shown up for the game. The walk back to the parking lot after the game had potential to be ugly - pregaming + a very warm day + 3 quarters of beer sales + a damn near 40 point shut out = some very bold Bears fans being a little louder and obnoxious than necessary. Fortunately I managed to steer clear of problems, but it sounded like some others might not have fared as well. The only major sign of classless fans worth mentioning is that upon returning to the lot, the car next to us (owned by a group of Bills fans) was covered in trash from the tailgate...several Bears fans came over and apologized for their "colleagues" and cleaned it up as soon as we arrived though. Amazing that their car was the one targeted - mine, right next to it, had my "GOB1LLS" plates and Bills stickers on the car, while theirs wasn't obviously owned by a Bills fan and had Wisconsin tags. Definitely a big thanks goes out to Aussie and Pinto Kenny for heading up the tailgate...a pleasure as always. I definitely look forward to my next game, back at the Ralph for the Patriots game. Once I get back to Cincinnati, sometime tomorrow night, I'll post up some pictures from the weekend.
  21. Eh...just kidding. Just tired, sun burned, and hungover from the game...the last road game I went to was the ass kicking that we got from San Diego last year.
  22. I'm 0-2 on the road...perhaps I should skip the Indy game. Anyone want to buy 2 tickets?
  23. I sure hope so...
  24. I'm leaving for Chi-town in the morning...can't wait!
  25. How about this crazy bastage: http://www.johnnyroadtrip.com/tailgating/p...sburghtatoo.jpg http://www.johnnyroadtrip.com/tailgating/p...atoocloseup.jpg
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