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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. Anti-Commie propaganda = ROCKY 4!
  2. In Tressel, we trust. After the OSU/Michigan game, I'll be at the UC/Rutgers game watching my Bearcats send Cinderella back to mopping floors.
  3. Hah...at least you're consistent.
  4. I agree about the crowd - there were a few Bills fans in our section, and we had a great time with them and the surrounding Colts fans...everyone was respectful and although we heard some "4 straight super bowl losses" and "wide rights", it was about as good of an NFL experience as you could want. I felt bad, because I pictured those people in the opposite situation at the Ralph, and they would've gotten a lot of crap. Oh well...good time, I'll definitely be going back to check out the new stadium when its completed.
  5. by the way, yours truly will be at the UC/Rutgers game next week...GO CATS! I've got 4 extra tickets, if you're interested in attending or know anyone else who's willing to make the trip to Nippert Stadium.
  6. Nah, it'd be appropriate if I said that the problems have gradually gotten worse since the Minnesota game, but I haven't had it that long.
  7. wow...hope you don't get trampled in the post game festivities good win, OSU would stomp you though
  8. Thanks - Kenny sent me a PM the other day and as of then, he had no real plans to tailgate. Indy just isn't a great city for it, but my old, perverted dad likes to go to Hooters, so I figure I'll make the old man's day.
  9. Just a quick update for anyone who cares... The van (in its original state) made the trip to WNY for the Patriots game, however, on the way home began experiencing some minor transmission problems. Since then, they have gradually gotten worse, so due to financial reasons, I am putting the painting project on the back burner. I have an appointment on Monday at a transmission shop to get it diagnosed, but I'm in no position to dump a ton of money into it right now, so if its an expensive repair, it'll either sit until I have the money or I'll sell it for whatever I can get out of it and start over next year. At least I CAN say that it made the trip once... http://michaelgalati.com/thumbnails.php?album=21
  10. We're not even planning on tailgating anymore...the only lot that I know of is gone due to new stadium construction. My dad and I will most likely be bar hopping on that main street near the stadium (Hooters, Ram Bar, etc.).
  11. Dell has a partnership with Warner Brothers, so this trailer, along with 4-5 others (including Happy Feet), is played on a continuous loop at all Dell Direct Stores on 50", 42", 37", and 26" HD-tvs. Lucky me, I get to see it about 20 times a day. Having said that, I do intend to go watch it.
  12. I think I've got you beat... Dick Pole joins Reds "staff"
  13. Anyone else going? I just looked at my tickets, and we're up in sec. 321... https://www.stubhub.com/data/venue_maps/256...lts_REBUILD.png
  14. Way to be on top of things...
  15. Wow...now that's a great way to celebrate a birthday. Do you mind me asking how you got such a great hookup by the Sabres?
  16. My dad and I will be heading up early Sunday and weather permitting, we'd like to tailgate, however, previous trips to Indy have shown that its not the greatest tailgating city. The best lot that I've previously parked in no longer exists, due to construction of their new stadium... Anyone going (or anyone with insight on where we can tailgate), speak up here... Time to circle the wagons - if the Dolphins can do it in Chi-town, why can't we do it in Indy?
  17. Thats about what I paid - I forget the section #, but we're up in the upper deck corner somewhere too. Planning on doing any tailgating? If so, PM me... Btw, have you ever sat in Sec. 203 at the Ralph? Theres a guy that has sat up there when I've been there (can't remember if he's a season ticket holder or not), but he's usually by himself and a student at Miami...not sure how it came up, but we talked about it because I go to Cincy. Doubt it, but you?
  18. Your post needs more cowbell
  19. Yeah...I have tickets and let me tell you how excited I am to go....
  20. AWESOME...I hadn't seen it, but I now have it bookmarked!
  21. It makes me want to drink beer
  22. he can buy "it" on eBay
  23. I didn't see the game, but according to NFL.com, TKO was in on 9 tackles...good to see him contributing again
  24. Guess what...I'm going to Indy next weekend. Sorry in advance, guys.
  25. Awesome...congrats buddy, hope you enjoy it
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