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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. I'll be buying 2 tickets first thing in the morning...decided that the perfect gift for my dad this Christmas was to take him to another Bills game (this will be #3 this year) all expenses paid.
  2. We went the ticketmaster route for the Chargers game (I had 2 tickets, we needed 3 total) and ended up spending ~$60/ea for upper deck...if the idea is to help the "cause", thats probably the way to do it, although tickets are no doubt available from scalpers/ebay/tsw for much less
  3. I did it for the January '04 (?) Steelers game (the one that we had to win to make the playoffs)...lets just say that I can't promise that you won't be hallucinating by the time you make it home due to lack of sleep, but it sure makes a hell of story, and an even better time if the Bills win (against the Phish, no less)
  4. 400 miles each way for me I just found a Super 8 in Erie for $45 a night....VERY tempting I'll wait to buy a ticket til I hear from you
  5. Joe: I'll do something crazy here...if you can commit (I know that you've got a wife and kid, so its a totally different situation than me) to making the trip, I'll do the same. I've already sold my season tickets, but I'd be willing to buy another on a whim if I could get motivated...it'd be rough...one of those "drive up by myself at 4am and get a cheap hotel on the way home kind of deals".
  6. Not going to make it, but I've paid for 2
  7. Cue music and cigar... "Woke up this morning...bought myself a football franchise..."
  8. You check your computer? Wow, thats a great way to get it broken...I would definitely carry on the computer, as well as the champagne. If they don't let you take the booze, leave it...
  9. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2006-12-11-awol_x.htm
  10. Glad that you found some, Rock. Mine ended up selling on eBay for slightly more than I paid for them - after paying the $1.95 ea. to email them to the buyer, I think I made $1/ticket profit. The 4 o'clock time change made me feel a lot better about selling my tickets - I knew that I really couldn't afford to stay in a hotel on both Saturday and Sunday night...with the change back to 1pm, I'm a little bummed that I sold them, but its for the best...basically, it was either go to the game or buy Christmas presents.
  11. I'll be the first to give props to our returners (McGee/Parrish), but DAMN is Devin Hester fast... Chicago's special teams continuing to delay the inevitable benching of Rex Grossman by keeping him off the field
  12. Absolutely - I've had the pleasure of tailgating with Kenny at 3 away games (Cincinnati '04, Chicago '06, Indianapolis '06) and look forward to the next. I just hope that he keeps up his streak long enough for me to be able to afford to join him for 16 (or better yet, 19) games one season.
  13. http://www.google.com/search?q=london+flet...lient=firefox-a
  14. When I blackout, I'm usually quite drunk
  15. Once again...no bitching allowed by the locals if this game is blacked out. Tickets make great Christmas presents...
  16. Here it is... http://michaelgalati.com/displayimage.php?album=23&pos=0
  17. Not from the game, but my Bills related wallpaper: http://michaelgalati.com/albums/userpics/10001/bg.gif
  18. I get your point, but the horse is dead, brother....
  19. I definitely feel like they are too complicated....I do say, however, the royal blue numbers on the away jerseys look pretty badass in contrast w/ the navy Honestly though, I don't care what they're wearing, as long as they're winning
  20. watching LOTR? Looks awesome in HD!
  21. I hope he finds them before Sunday
  22. I love this place, but I love it SO MUCH MORE when we win
  23. And there you have it....like it was nothing
  24. Hopefully for years to come...
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