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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. 1.5 liters of Maker's Mark Kentucky bourbon...a couple of hours later and the REAL chaos begins
  2. 52,000 EXACTLY
  3. Pretty sure that I smelled some of that burning in the stadium during the Fish game last week. My old man looked at me funny and asked if I smelled it - I ignored him so I wouldn't suggest that I know what it smells like.
  4. some county cop friends of mine have already been notified that they'll be working the game at 8 - expect the Cin-Pitt game to get moved
  5. funny that it makes the news in Florida - that happened in a suburb on the NW part of Cincinnati a week or so ago
  6. I tried to get it out of my system last weekend, since it knew it would be such a long wait, but damnit, I want to go to the game! Not gonna happen though since its too much travelling. My new year's resolution is to get a job in Cleveland, which is 1/2 way from my parents and Buffalo.
  7. I was at the Miami game, so I didn't have the TV perspective of how loud the stadium was on that final Miami drive, but i'm thoroughly impressed...at that time, there were probably only 30-40k people in the stands and it sounded like a full stadium on TV.
  8. I'm actually planning on either moving my 2 seats to the upper deck sidelines or picking up 2 more seats (4 together) in the Rockpile.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dmVU08zVpA
  10. No problem - unfortunately, I won't be making the trip and will be making my best effort to find a place with Sunday Ticket in my hometown in SE Ohio. Be loud for those of us not able to make it up!
  11. As a regular at Hammer's, I definitely recommend it - $15 to park (same as the stadium lots), but you get relatively clean and no-line portajons, the peace of mind that your car is somewhat safe, quick access to Abbott after the game, and of course, Hammer himself. When we're in the area, I usually try to make it to the lot 8-8:30am...last week, we drove straight up and made it ~11am, but still managed to get a good parking spot. I recommend a trip over to Lot 1 ~11am to meet the other Wallers and see Kenny and the Pinto. Be sure to bring extra food for after the game, as there is no good reason to hurry on your way...might as well enjoy it in the lot rather than sitting in traffic.
  12. Here's the pic: http://michaelgalati.com/displayimage.php?album=9&pos=0 Thanks again Hammer!
  13. Pat Kirwan (NFL Radio - Sirius) made a mention of the Bills today - said that he is the first to admit that he didn't give the Bills much hope and that was one of the main ones saying that "veterans on the team" wanted Holcomb, not Losman...he said that the Bills could very well be a 10 win team next year and could be looking to go deep within the playoffs. Personally, I think that he's a blowhard, but regardless, its nice to hear something positive about a team other than the Giants and Cowboys.
  14. thanks to Hammer, my dad and i got to meet Lee Evans and his family. got a picture with him, which i'll upload sometime tomorrow night when i get home. a trip out for some beers and wings and this will be one hell of a good weekend. i hope that those of you not in attendance today make it a point to show up and support these guys next week...i'm done til next season and already can't wait for the home opener
  15. its nice to finally get the monkey off my back - my 7 game losing streak is over! (posting from my new phone, waming up in the car at hammer's lot)
  16. Those not going obviously don't mind the god awful January-September wait for football season to return. I originally wasn't going to go this weekend, but the thought of not seeing the Bills/WNY for another 9 months makes me act irrationally...
  17. Or maybe the Shane Matthews Band will be providing halftime entertainment and Saban wanted to help them with their travel expenses?
  18. I wish I had a billion dollars...I'd buy them and move them to Fargo, ND or some random ass town and guarantee 2 Bills wins a year
  19. Dad is from Italy (literally), mom is an Apalachian mutt
  20. Next time the Bills make it, I hope they catch me on TV...I'll make sure that I'm so crazy intense that I'm screaming, puking, and bleeding from my eyes at the same time
  21. No need to fire me up...last time (SD game) I couldn't talk right for 3 days after the game...I'm pumped, this will be my first Miami game!
  22. Current plan for me is to leave Cincy ~3:30am, meet my dad in Cleveland ~7:30am, be in Hammers ~11am. We won't be tailgating beforehand, but we'll plan on hanging out for a while afterwards - drive back to Erie Sunday night, spend the night, then head back Monday morning.
  23. 0-5 this season, 7 straight losses....tides gotta turn sometime, right? See you at the pole?
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