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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. I use Cingular's 3G network on my Blackjack...does very well, from checking email to streaming video (live TV from my desktop at home is pretty sweet when I'm stuck at work on game day).
  2. Maybe you can move to Cincinnati with me, live with a Bengals season ticket holder, and then tell me you don't enjoy when the Bungles continue to get in trouble. I'm eating it up... Turns out that CJ might be off the hook though...
  3. From the Enquirer: http://news.cincinnati.com/apps/pbcs.dll/a...010056/-1/CINCI
  4. I will laugh my balls off if this turns out to be true and CJ is indicted....
  5. Haven't yet, as I don't have any flash drives...I typically use my mp3 player or a cd/dvd for short term storage. I hear that ReadyBoost is pretty cool - I did read that 512mb of flash memory provided something like a 37% boost in performance (while 2gb only provided like 42%). Seems like 512 is the magic number.
  6. Sure, I'll bet...during the installation process, it gave me the option: - upgrade - clean install You can do a clean install on a system that you would normally upgrade. The whole "upgrade" process is to ensure that someone purchasing the Home Premium package is an existing XP SP2 Home or MCE, or Windows Vista Home Basic user. Right now, I've got Home Premium installed and could easily perform a "clean install" over it if there are bugs. So far, there are not, so I don't anticipate it. Thanks for your concern though
  7. So far so good...definitely thinking about adding another 1gb of ram (total of 2) to improve the experience
  8. Doing an upgrade install on my desktop right now (typing this on my work laptop)... We'll see how it goes, if there are issues, I'll just format and do a clean install
  9. I'll be installing it at one point or another today...I've been using it since Friday night on my computers at work, and so far, I'm a big fan.
  10. Nice...at least you acknowledge the fact...most people would whine and play innocent In my experiences, you get what you give
  11. If you can handle a little verbal abuse in an away stadium, don't go...I went to the Bills vs. Bears game this year and had a great time...a couple of people got in my face, but I reminded them of the score and that the Bills were getting dismantled, and they shut up
  12. Yes, safe for work
  13. I clicked on a video link that someone posted here and found this video on the same page...funny stuff http://www.metacafe.com/watch/302101/cheating_wife/
  14. I'll be making the trip up from Cincy for sure...will likely meet my dad along the way
  15. Twisted Sister We're Not Gonna Take It
  16. I'm planning on going to the Browns game for sure...if things are going well, maybe Pittsburgh also
  17. I'd give her the business...Lord knows I've been with worse
  18. Starting? "Joseph is the ninth Bengals player to be arrested since 2005."
  19. The Enquirer is covering it now too... http://wcpo.com/news/2007/local/01/22/joseph.html
  20. I'll be watching and couldn't care less who wins...I actually had the chance to see both teams beat the Bills live this year...I will say that while Peyton probably deserves the ring the most, the Bears fans are definitely better "fans" (from my experiences). Either way, its a Patsie/Steeler-less Super Bowl, so I'm happy. ~350 days until the Bills play in Super Bowl XLII
  21. I will...but I will admit, I was ready to send a box full of my poop to NFL headquarters in NYC if the Super Bowl featured the Patsies and the USA Ain'ts
  22. Not only can you join, but I'll be the first to nominate you as president. Here's to hoping that your term lasts forever!
  23. I really don't expect them to open the dome when the Colts are playing...I just assumed that they would save that for other events (concerts?, etc). I do look forward to the next Bills game there though...I'm definitely a fan of checking out new stadiums, and I'll be needing to check Lucas Oil Stadium off my list anyways.
  24. I was there and heard it too...then again, I've heard similar things at the Ralph and other stadiums as well. Its definitely more noticeable in the dome though.
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