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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. The weather forecast is saying sunny and 56 degrees. Not exactly "t-shirt weather" for us Floridians, but I'm sure that you guys can handle it. I'll be wearing a white Bills jacket.
  2. me too! Except I'm flying from MCO to Akron, OH, where my old man is picking me up. We'll be at Hammer's, as always. See you there, Mead!
  3. Flying to Ohio from Orlando on Saturday. Hitching a ride with my dad from the airport to Buffalo in time to watch the LSU-Bama game on tv. Can't wait - last game up was the Pats game. Hoping for the same kind of electric atmosphere!
  4. I laughed out loud at the bar.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlMVazw_vUE
  6. I'll be driving down from Orlando. Just RSVP'd on that site. Thanks, Jay!
  7. I have a 6'+ vinyl printed poster of Jim Kelly that I bought off of eBay years ago. I'm not interested in selling, but I'll try to dig up the seller's info, as it seemed that he was a dealer of things like that.
  8. Despite being 1,000+ miles south, and being forced to attend the Bengals @ Jags game, I still maintained 100% focus on the Bills game and reminded both fan bases that my team is superior, even despite the loss to the Bungles the week before. Note that I was not the jerk off that wore my team's jersey to a game between 2 other teams. I was there in support of my friend and my other home town, Cincy. Reluctantly wore a Bengals jersey, but there was no doubting who was #1 for me.
  9. Cool idea. There's always the perception that teams are at an extreme disadvantage when they travel from one coast to the other. The Niners pulled off the win @ Cincy - why not minimize travel fatigue the week before you play once of the toughest teams in the league?
  10. Bills - 100 Bungles - 0
  11. I've never lived in Buffalo, but due to my love of the Bills, I've always felt a loyalty to Western New York and consider it my "second home". That article gave me chills.
  12. When I saw that on the screen at the stadium, I went absolutely nuts. What a great motto for the rest of the season, even!
  13. You're right, I've seen the Bills beat the Bengals every time I've attended...but keep in mind, they've won all the games that I haven't attended too (at least since I've been 8 years old). Just isn't practical now that I live in Florida. I'll be in Miami for the Phish game in November though.
  14. Unfortunately, I'm not going to make it this year. However, I lived in Cincinnati for about 10 years (until '09) and still consider it home, so let me know of you guys h ave any questions, need recommendations, etc.
  15. I posted this video in the celebrations thread, but thought that some of you might agree that it deserves it's own. I wasn't a part of this ceremony, simply parked nearby. Whenever there are drunks, lighter fluid, and Zippos involved, the video function on my phone gets put to use. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1VFq2D5eo4 Unfortunately, what I didn't catch on video is that the dumbass that jumped over the fire started doing barrel rolls ON the first about 2 minutes later. Fun stuff. As always, thanks to Hammer for the best tailgating lot in Orchard Park.
  16. Not mine, but I saw this via twitter last night - just across the tunnel and a few rows down from where I was sitting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmmMqGVUI10
  17. The palm of my right hand is still swollen and bruised from beating the seat in front of me. Totally worth it...in a small way, I feel like I contributed. What an awesome day!!!
  18. Not necessarily a celebration video, but here's a PRE-GAME video that I took yesterday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1VFq2D5eo4
  19. Awesome! Similar reaction, but only about 4 of us at a dive in Orlando.
  20. I was similar to you in that I was a Bills fan not from Buffalo. I also attended my first game while in college (Bills-Bengals with 4 Bengal fan friends...we kicked their asses, btw). After that first trip, I had season tickets for a number of years until it became impossible. I now live in Florida and try to make it to a game or 2 a year. I would recommend the following: - If you haven't booked a hotel yet, try to find one in Hamburg (assuming you're NOT going out Saturday night - if so, maybe closer to downtown) - If you stay in Hamburg, my regular Saturday night spot is Danny's near the stadium for dinner and the 8pm college football game - Tailgate @ Hammer's (http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/134304-hammers-parking-lot/page__p__2238195#entry2238195) - ABSOLUTELY go to the Pinto (now also at Hammer's, I believe) - - Tell your buddy to keep his nose clean GO BILLS!
  21. Too late to be added to the list? I'm not 100% yet, but I'm trying to talk my dad into meeting me in Cleveland and driving the rest of the way...
  22. http://members.cox.net/billswatch/Hammer/index.html Also, added a more recent map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=42.770447,-78.791263&sll=42.767559,-78.743919&sspn=0.016384,0.032015&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=6&z=17
  23. Unfortunately, can't make it up for the opener, but I'll be flying up for the Bills-Pats game (from Orlando) in a couple weeks
  24. Please send me the paypal info as well.
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