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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. Office Home and Student 2007 is $149 - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote
  2. boooooooooooobies
  3. As an advanced user, and someone who sells these things for a living, 512mb is NOT enough RAM on a new system...especially since all new computers will ship with Windows Vista, which needs 1gb at a minimum to run properly. Besides, I think that you'll find the Celeron D, the integrated graphics card, and the 512mb to provide a huge bottleneck for you when you get into gaming. I bought an Intel Core 2 system, 1gb of RAM (I have since installed 2gb more, for a total of 3,072mb of RAM), 250gb hard drive, DVD rom and DVD RW, and a 20" widescreen monitor for ~700-750 from Dell's outlet (refurb)...I got it cheaper, as an employee, but the $700-750 is before my discount
  4. So we got back this morning ~12:30am after a LOOOOOONG drive back. Fortunately, we managed to miss most of ATL rush hour (fortunately it was President's Day) and were only stuck there for around an hour. Friday, we rented a van and drove straight to Atlanta. Checked into our hotel in downtown, and went straight to a bar district recommended by a friend that lives there (Highland Ave). First stopped at a quaint little Irish pub called Limerick Junction. After sitting down and having a few drinks, we decided that the only thing missing, which would make this place a really fun atmosphere, was live music...not 5 minutes later, an Irish folk singer took the stage with his guitar. We knew right then that we weren't going anywhere else. ~$500 later (5 of us), we were closing down the bar and headed back to our hotel...we did Friday on the cheap, so we only had 1 room - 2 double beds with 5 guys, so needless to say, that place smelled BAD when we checked out Saturday morning. Saturday, drove to Orlando, where we checked into our hotel right near the University of Central Florida. After making a run to Wal-Mart to get the necessities for the race, we went exploring to find some food. The plan was to find a nice seafood place, but we couldn't find anything in the UCF area besides Red Lobster and similar chains. Ended up eating and having a few beers, then decided to head back to the hotel, as 3/5 were still pretty hungover from the plethora of car bombs the night before. Sunday...the race was AWESOME. A little disappointing that the weather sucked - it was around 60 degrees with no wind, but the 20-30mph winds made it feel like the 40s, but we made the most of it. The Stewart wreck and the one at the end were on the opposite side of the track, but we still had a pretty good view for some great action on the back stretch. Sat directly behind a guy wearing a Bills hat, with a guy in a Sabres jacket in the section right next to me. Fortunately to the Patriots fans sitting in front of me (and next to the other Bills fan), I wasn't doing much drinking The only hang up for the weekend was the drive home from the race...what should've been an hour drive from Daytona Beach back to Orlando turned into ~3 hours of being parked on I-4. Surprisingly, traffic wasn't too bad considering NORMAL circumstances, but it turns out that a road rage incident involving a car of Nascar fans and a car of thugs turned into someone getting shot and killed, which shut the highway down completely. http://www.news-journalonline.com/NewsJour...ws/shooting.htm By the time we made it back to the hotel, it was after 1:30am - we had originally been planning on leaving ~6am Monday. We all slept in til about 9, then headed back...after a few stops, but a steady 80-85mph cruise setting, we made it back to my house ~12:30am this morning. Needless to say, I'm glad that I don't work today. Looking forward to my next race, the Brickyard 400 in July!
  5. Plans are finalized and we leave in less than 2 days... Friday night in ATL Saturday and Sunday, staying in Orlando (6 miles from U of Central Florida campus, ~60 miles from Daytona Beach) Good times, no doubt!
  6. I'm sure its going to get a lot worse as it makes its way NE to you, but as of right now, we've got 2-3" of snow. Currently, its about 34 degrees and getting colder. The freezing rain that we're getting at the moment is going to get really nasty tonight, as the windchill is supposed to get down to ~10 below. Last week's 6" of snow caused for some paranoia around here - lots of cancellations today, despite nothing more than some slush on the roads...tomorrow should be MUCH worse
  7. That is awesome...crazy bastard
  8. Moorman just got his friggin bell RUNG by Sean Taylor on a punt fake...good thing he got up
  9. my invoice for the rockpile came today also...total due: $544 At that price, I'm adding 2 more Best value in the NFL
  10. I'll be in Atlanta a week from Friday, and in Florida the following weekend...can't say that I'm not excited to get a (brief) break from the weather
  11. Isn't this the 3rd time that YOU have posted this same thing? Christ dude...yes, the Bills are moving to Toronto. Get over it.
  12. You sure you aren't confused? Maybe you're thinking Camaro...Chevette...? Corvettes are bad ass, but they're only driven daily by retards.
  13. Funny story...my buddy had a meeting in Columbus this morning. As soon as he heard the weather report yesterday, he started freaking out. The reason? 2 years ago he traded in his "reliable", high mileage '98 Monte Carlo in for an '03 Corvette. Instead of keeping the original car for bad weather, he wanted the extra $1000 towards his ~$40k car, so now, anytime it snows, he freaks out. He left columbus ~1pm.
  14. coming down since 12-1pm, at a rate of ~1" per hour...expected to receive upwards of 7", which is equivalent to well over a foot in areas that actually get snow. I'm one of the unfortunate few NOT being sent home early, so I'm going to get to brave it at its worst tonight around 9:30pm.
  15. $100/night sounds about right...there are 5 of us, so we'll end up in 2 rooms. Just trying to save as much as possible, as we're already renting a van that we weren't originally planning on (my tailgating van still needs some repairs before its roadworthy again). We hadn't considered closer to Orlando, but it sounds like a good idea. UCF = college girls
  16. Might be a good option...it would cut our Sunday morning trip in half, but I'm guessing that we'll still get cheaper lodging in J-ville
  17. If so, where should I book hotel rooms for my buddies and I when we go there in 2 weeks for the Daytona 500? We've ruled out staying in Daytona Beach, since we took too long to book rooms and can't afford the $300-400/night. We want to get a place in Jacksonville within stumbling distance from a bar district...distance to the beach is irrelevant. Any insight would be appreciated.
  18. IF I had been partaking in any hallucinogenic drugs, it would've been interesting, and perhaps even entertaining.
  19. What a day that'll be...its GOING to happen one day, and we're one year closer
  21. Nice shot of Beau Schobel (Matt and Aaron's kid brother) w/ his son on his shoulders
  22. Upon the announcement, I will be 100% planning on attending the ceremony. Hopefully the mods will get a section together where we can all plan to meet up... Thurman in + the Bills in the Hall of Fame game would be excellent
  23. Bears win by a touchdown or less...I'm betting that Adam V gets to see it from the other side, with a Robbie Gould FG to win the game...
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