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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. Exactly what I was thinking...remember Chad Johnson going cuckoo for cocoa puffs after bouncing his head off the turf last season?
  2. Bulger doesn't want to play for Linehan? Is that even relevant, since clearly, Linehan doesn't want Bulger playing for him...otherwise, he wouldn't have benched his ass. I hope that the Bills pass rush is so ferocious this week that even WE see the stars and little birds flying around Trent Green's head.
  3. One of my favorite parts of the afternoon was after the last Buffalo TD, rather than cut to commercial right away like they normally do, CBS panned the crowd and you could very clearly hear everyone singing Shout. Made me really jealous...
  4. My thoughts exactly - from the eBay auction, the view from the seats is: http://www.seatdata.com/sec_image_server.h...-1710-1726-0384 Not bad, especially for <$20/ticket
  5. Just bought 2 upper deck tix for $15 + $10 shipping on eBay... Its going to be a fun week
  6. Already went to Jax last week - tentatively planning on the Jets home game as well.
  7. well, no...700 miles TOTAL vs 800 to Orchard Park I can't be 100% spontaneous, unfortunately, my finances don't allow that (especially after the trip to Jacksonville last week) - I'll have to be somewhat prepared. Lining up a friend of a friend who can let me crash - if that works, next step is to find some cheap tickets (there appear to be plenty on eBay for $15/2 + $15 shipping)
  8. I'm putting the pieces in place for a road trip to St. Louis on Saturday night with an immediate return home right after the game. St. Louis is actually ~100 miles (round trip) closer to me from Cincinnati than if I were to make the trip to Buffalo. This won't be the most responsible decision I've ever made, but I'm only young (well, 27 in a month) and single once, right? Anyone else going?
  9. hahahahhahahahahahaha
  10. From the pictures that I took yesterday... Right after the opening kickoff: http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/22171...host=good-times ~12 minutes to go in the 3rd: http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/21603...host=good-times ~4-5 minutes left in the game (this picture was intended to show a large group of Bills fans who were VERY loud at the end of the game): http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/25303...host=good-times All in all, pretty weak crowd. You can see the tarped off sections in the following pictures: http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/24884...host=good-times http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/29847...host=good-times
  11. Yeah, I took a bunch of pictures of those. While I met a few "true" Jaguars fans, the majority really are a fickle bunch...some of the photos towards the end are with 4-8 minutes left in the game, while Jacksonville still had the lead, and the place was 1/2 empty... pathetic
  12. Here's a link to my Bills-Jags pictures... At the moment, I'm sunburned, tired, and hungry, so there's not much commentary, but once I get home tomorrow, I'll try to give my impression on the stadium and experience... All in all, Bills win, so I'm happy http://good-times.webshots.com/album/56697...host=good-times
  13. :thumbsup:
  14. Driving to Indy at 2am to catch my 6am flight to Jacksonville...I'll be there with 7 other Bills fans, but I haven't seen my ticket, so I have no idea where I'm sitting. I'll be wearing my Poz jersey...
  15. Is it wrong that I just got a boner?
  16. I have the Top 200 package w/ an HD DVR and pay something like $75/mo w/ taxes
  17. I'm going with some Navy JAG guys, but to my knowledge, they all bought tickets (they bought a group of 8, which I am included in). I don't know any of them - my ex girlfriend is a law student and interned w/ them on base this summer - evidently these guys went to law school at Buffalo, so they're all Bills fans.
  18. latest storm track shows Ike missing Florida - while that certainly sucks for Louisianna and Texas, it'll spare us...
  19. Someone better get the Pope out of the Vatican!
  20. I'm flying in early Friday morning. My biggest concern at this point is the looming Hurricane Ike, but I won't really care once the plane lands. Sitting in a group of 8 Bills fan. CAN'T WAIT!!
  21. May the power of Andre's #83 give Lee the boost that he needs to fuel fantasy football teams nationwide (instead of his terrible first 8 weeks, then decent last 8)
  22. I'm a McCain supporter and I had that awkward feeling for the first half that I have when Bush speaks...its like I was waiting for him to mispronounce something. Towards the end though, it got intense and I think he pulled it off. Regardless, I don't think he's going to win or lose this election in his ability read a teleprompter. I do think he'll fare much better in the head to head debates - not because Obama isn't a GREAT speaker and will be prepared, but that McCain is very passionate, and like others have stated, shoots from the hip.
  23. Just me, or were they playing a slow version of the theme to Dallas?
  24. Perhaps I read wrong, but the original poster was asking about McCain's "brown" child. I answered that she's not being hidden like it was suggested. For once, this thread ISN'T about Palin and her family of heathens.
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