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Posts posted by udonkey

  1. Jacksonville was liked that too except the crowd said "move those chains" 3 times. Very annoying. I started doing it everytime the Bills got a first down just to annoy them back.



    Haha...this old guy...




    ...up by me couldn't decide which team to cheer on (he was wearing a Jags jersey, Jags hat, and a Bills hat on top, turned the opposite direction) so he did that EVERY time either time got a first down

  2. Plus you should have gone to Arizona. Isn't your road record 2-0 this year?


    It is...


    I was actually at the casino in nearby Indiana on Saturday night and made a pact with the girl that I was with that if we combined for $5,000+ in winnings that we were going to leave the casino, drive straight to the airport, and fly to Arizona late Sat. night.


    Unfortunately, she finished $150 ahead, me $20, and we went home afterwards.


    If anyone wants to start a Udonkey Travel Fund, I wouldn't complain. :thumbsup:

  3. I was a little freaked out - I wore the same jersey for the first two weeks, but got a stain on it while in Jacksonville while tailgating. I tempted fate, washed it, and the Bills beat the Raiders. So, of course, I washed it again...and we beat the Rams.


    Gonna throw it in for a quick cycle in the morning...


    Its my fault... :thumbdown:


    Not only did I NOT wash my Posluszny jersey, I ended up not wearing it - I wore my old Spikes road jersey.


    Blame me...



  4. I was a little freaked out - I wore the same jersey for the first two weeks, but got a stain on it while in Jacksonville while tailgating. I tempted fate, washed it, and the Bills beat the Raiders. So, of course, I washed it again...and we beat the Rams.


    Gonna throw it in for a quick cycle in the morning...

  5. Just an FYI. I'm particularly enthused about this, since my new car only came with XM and I was a long-time Sirius guy. Now I can add the "Best of Sirius" package and get Stern, NFL Radio, etc. added without needing new equipment.


    (I know this will probably be moved to the consumer forum, but there's so little traffic over there I figured it deserves some exposure here first)




  6. I'll be rocking some black paint on my face, a big dreadlock wig and my marshawn lynch jersey. section 119 seat 5 (directly behind the FG post in the arizona endzone. GET FIRED UP!!!! I'll try and get to the Native New Yorker before 930 so me and my buds can tailgate with everyone. I bought my tix from a season ticket holder and have the parking sticker for the season tix holder lot. you think i can go to the regular parking lot with that sticker? we arent gonna have a bbq, but we'd love to join in and eat your guys food! and donate to cash for the food of course. anyone wanna share some of their BBQ with us? :worthy: theres only gonna be 3 others with me.


    You're going blackface? :wallbash:

  7. Tailgating was not good at all. Our hotel was right across the street from the dome, so we just got drunk in the room and watched the early games.


    I disagree. We had a great time tailgating.


    The guys to my left had a huge spread - wings, bison burgers, etc. DirecTV satellite on his truck w/ a 12" TV in the bed of the truck. Guys to the right had a similar setup to me - cooler, chips, grilled burgers, etc - nothing too elaborate, but it got the job done.


    This was the closest that I've ever tailgated to an NFL stadium...Hammer's lot is close, but I was 100 yards or less on Sunday.


    We pulled in at 10am (local time), 5 hours before kickoff, and we parked in the 2nd row in the lot...meaning there were already 30+ cars of people tailgating. Not bad considering the state of that franchise and the fact that the Cardinals were to play a game in a sold out stadium 2 hours later.


    I give my props to St Louis and the Rams fans - they were great hosts and I wish that franchise luck.

  8. Whats up with all the Bills family members tailgating for the game? I was tailgating right next to Moorman's family who were up from Oklahoma to watch the game. Real nice people.


    Yeah, in addition to Wilson's family, there were A LOT folks in my area wearing #22 Jackson jerseys. I spoke to one guy and he said that he was Fred's twin brother, but I think that he may have been taking advantage of my slight drunkenness.

  9. After looking at those pictures, I again have the distinct feeling that having your home team play in a dome just has to SUCK. Lordy, it looked beautiful there. Had to suck having to walked into a building to watch a game on that day.


    BTW, only game i have seen in a dome was the 4th SB in Atlanta, and that sucked as well for a lot of reasons


    On this day, I don't think many people were upset about going into a dome. While it was beautiful (not a cloud in the sky), baking in the sun for 5 hours before kickoff was getting to us and going into a nice 70 degree climate controlled building was a nice way to "rest" for 4 hours or so before driving home.


    Early-mid November, I agree - totally would've rather been outside. But in the extreme hots/colds of the beginning/end of the season, I don't mind being inside.


    Either way, football is football...and I live for this sh--!

  10. So, perhaps my slightly intoxicated guesstimate of the number of Bills fans was off. I can attest that there were A LOT of Bills fans tailgating in the lot where we were, but we must've been in the heart of it.


    ESPN tells me that the official attendance at the game was 61,000 - I would guess there was more like 45,000-50,000 in their seats. Of that, probably 7,000-10,000 or so were Bills fans.


    Regardless, a very fun atmosphere, especially leaving the game. The people that we tailgated with (Rams fans on both sides) were some of the nicest people I've encountered for a Bills game, home or away. I was hoping to meet up with George Wilson after the game, but things are obviously a bit different at away games than at Hammer's lot at the Ralph.


    It was a pleasure meeting Indy Dave and his wife. I hope you guys enjoyed the game and made it home safely. I didn't catch up with any of the other TBD posters - hopefully you guys all had a great time as well.


    My friend and I left St Louis about an hour after the end of the game and made it back to Cincinnati right around 1:30am. It was a great trip, and I definitely recommend visiting St Louis to anyone else that might get the opportunity down the road - I certainly would've liked to have had more time there, but duty calls and I'm now about ready to go in for a 1/2 day of work.


    You can check out some of the pictures that I took:





    I'm now 2 for 2 this season, both road games. Hoping to make it up for the Jets (and maybe the Chargers) game...

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