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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. Yeah yeah yeah...let me have my fun, ya douche bag.
  2. Of course - the link is the result of a 5 minute Photoshop effort by myself. I think originally, the kid is at a European soccer game (he was wearing Kappa clothing before the insignias were airbrushed out).
  3. #500...had to waste it on my own thread
  4. Stop the run, pressure Brady. Score more points. Win the game. Thanks to John Madden for my amazing insight on the game of football.
  5. Dear New England Patriots (and their fans),...
  6. You take the good You take the bad You take em both and there you have The tacts of life, the facts of life
  7. ...and the twiiiiiiiiiiiiiiins
  8. 1. ) I don't know, but I agree. 2.) It is entertaining, but 2 things are annoying me. First, the hobbit. Also, I hate the way it breaks to a commercial - I was watching a couple of commercials thinking it was still the show. 3.) The fat guy isn't beautiful. 4.) His wife is going to go apeshit and kill him. Just watch. 5.) They got to that (to a degree) 6.) I watched for the first time tonight.
  9. Does a bear stevestojan in the woods?
  10. I think him getting hurt is a direct result (karma) of him being an !@#$. I'm not "cheering", the irony just makes me giggle.
  11. He's an !@#$. Take your hippy karma crap elsewhere.
  12. I'll Be Home for Christmas - Dolphins theme song.
  13. Atleast he got his purple heart.
  14. Doesn't take much... By the way, you'd never believe where I dropped a tennis ball.
  15. Frustrated, but I'm here. It'll take a hell of a lot more than 2 losses to knock me off the bandwagon. I assure you, the rest are on board as well. They're just venting their frustrations. Thats one of the major reasons why this board exists.
  16. <-- 2-0 at the Ralph I don't think I'll be able to make it back up there though until December. Right now I'm shooting for back-to-back Bills games: 12/12 - Cleveland at Buffalo 12/19 - Buffalo at Cincy
  17. Injuries have helped Cleveland get on that list too.
  18. You might be a crappy fan, but you sure did make one hell of a new helmet logo. Props for that.
  19. Thanks for the reminder. I had forgotten.
  20. I feel the same way about 12/19/04. I can't wait.
  21. Stuck... If I remember right, you live near I-275. Stop by the Dell store at Tri-County mall and I'll hook you up w/ an optical mouse. I've had an extra one in the backseat of my car for a couple of weeks now. Just ask for Mike.
  22. Nothing ever changes around here. I'm not a Drew loyalist, but god damn. Put a decent line in front of the man and everything gets better. How can you blame him for this? The guy is on his back 3/4 of the time.
  23. if they go 5-12, does that mean the bye week counts as a win? I hope not.
  24. O-H-I-O Miss Rivers yet?
  25. rudyc80...you are the only one I sure hope the Bills coach, Dennis Green, leads us to a victory.
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