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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. Don't go chasin' waterfalls...
  2. I would really like to see a twist like this, but I wouldn't be able to buy it because he's such a fatass (unless he hadn't been there long). Unless of course he has a Mickey D's hidden somewhere on the island.
  3. Too bad his ex-girlfriend is dead and can't burn his house down again.
  4. AWESOME! I envy you, big time. When in Cincy, be sure to catch up with us: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showforum=34 IF the Bills get that wild card spot and end up playing in Indy, you can count on me being there.
  5. I'm a little disappointed. I can see not wanting to show up on Halloween vs. the Cardinals, but this game is one step closer to the playoffs. I'd be there in a heartbeat if I were able to make the trip this weekend. Unfortunately, I work weekends.
  6. Indy is only 1 1/2 hours away for me...closer than San Diego, so I would prefer this option.
  7. Why would Pat get in trouble for the throat slash? OJ didn't....
  8. Are you still complaining? Its cause we're a Red state, right? You liberal weenie
  9. Definitely doing the right thing... A friend and I did something similar last season. Left Cincinnati ~5am Sunday morning - drove to Buffalo and arrived around 1pm. It was a 4pm kickoff (Dec. 7 vs. the Jets), so we had time to meet up with Cindy (#89), get our tickets, grill a few burgers on the mini grill in my trunk and down them with a couple of beers. We watched the game, had a couple of more more burgers in the parking lot, drove back to Cincinnati. Arrived at approximately 4am. One of the best 23 hour spans of my life. A fun story to tell too. You won't regret it...
  10. Bills 2003-2004 Highlight DVD (wait a second...there were highlights from last year???) on sale at the team store http://www.buffalobillsproshop.com/main_de...itle=2003%2D04%
  11. 1990 is correct
  12. And also another day after a Bengals win, that us Cincinnati locals have to hear AM talk radio callers talk about the road to the Super Bowl running through Cincinnati.
  13. Dell - http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/product...9&page=external
  14. Don't forget that AJ Feely was having a middle finger/buttocks problem.
  15. You should buy them Rubes...they'll match your hat.
  16. Tickets -are- still available, but I can't imagine that they will be much longer with both Cincy and Buffalo still (mathematically) in the game.
  17. I'm seeing them next Sunday in Dayton, OH.
  18. I wish I could make it - I had a blast when I bought your tickets for the Jets game last year. Damn schedule...the only game I'll get to catch this year is the local one. Thank God for that.
  19. I'll take heartbreak in the final weeks of the season over mathematically eliminated by week 8 ANY year!
  20. Other - drives in left lane when not passing, requiring me to pass in right. I fuggin hate it when people do that.
  21. I'll give you props for you wittiness. However, yer almost too witty fer ma inbred mind ta understand. Feel free to come down to Cincy for the Bills/Bengals game on Dec. 19 - there will be several of your native New Yorkers here that you can reminisce with.. I'm not sure where you are, but if you're in Ohio, you can't be more than a 3-4 hour drive.
  22. As a Buckeye from day one, go Bills, but mtdoak can blow me.
  23. I love it. To think, some people wanted us to throw in the towel after week 5. THIS is why I continue to love the Bills (and the NFL)!!
  24. Doug: To my knowledge, there are no obstructed seats in PBS. Regardless, I just called into the ticket office (was going to go down to the stadium today, but saved myself a trip) and ordered 3 seats for section 314, row 14 for $50 each (total was $154 after shipping). You can see the stadium map at: http://www.bengals.com/tickets/stadiummap04.htm You should, however, have no problem finding tickets the day of the game. This matchup isn't exactly getting people excited down here (with the exception of the opportunity to boo and yell at our boy Takeo), so there should be plenty available. Just get to the tailgate early, and you'll see plenty of people selling them in the lots. Otherwise, they're lined up on the walk to the stadium.
  25. bump - Cincy downtown map added w/ pertinent information
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