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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. Surprisingly, he seems to be the only one. He disappeared shortly after he first posted, so I have a feeling he was dealt with.
  2. http://forums.cincybengals.com/attachment....attachmentid=54
  3. For FedEx ground performance of the week http://www.nfl.com/partners/fedex
  4. I'll stick with Intel until: a.) Dell no longer pays me b.) Dell partners with AMD
  5. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=12791
  6. read more, post less
  7. I'm worried that the game comes down to an overtime situation, where the Bengals are at an advantage over us with Graham vs. Lindell.
  8. Score first and score often. I've been to many games in Cincy, and the crowd can get LOUD if they're in the game and winning, but if they go down, the crowd can get real quiet.
  9. notice that 7 of the top 10 are AFC teams AFC = SEC NFC = Conference USA
  10. Yankee? I live in Cincinnati too buddy. You're only pretending to live in the south.
  11. You'd be right if this were 2001 or 2002. If my memory serves me correctly, they sold out all home games last season and all so far this year except the Giants game. I could be wrong, but I'm close. Regardless, people are excited in Cincinnati. Most are smart enough to know that a championship isn't going to happen overnight, but they're ALL happier knowing that the Bengals front office is atleast attempting to field a competitive team. So far they've got 14 wins in the last two seasons...think back to the 90's and think of how many seasons it would've taken to accomplish that.
  12. too bad its not the Irish names - "McGahee" (I know, I know) and Mularkey
  13. Oh well.... I'll be the Bills fan there wearing a Spikes jersey. I'll get yelled/cussed/sh-- thrown at, but I'll be watching my Bills play at stones throw away from where I live. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am. I do agree though. This is going to be one hell of a game. Anything that thinks that this will be easy is obviously a naive homer or just plain ignorant.
  14. part 2? Hahaha...kiss my ass Tennessee
  15. I hope you're not planning on hanging out with us then. I go to football games to hang out with friends and watch football...not look for fights.
  16. Posts like these never bring good...
  17. ...looks like Don Vito (Bam's retarded uncle). that is all.
  18. I love it...thanks for putting those stats in one place for us lazy folk
  19. General Tsao puppy
  20. See my signature, and previous post. I can't possibly imagine where there are "obstructed" seats at PBS. I have been to ~10 games there and can't picture a bad seat in the house. FYI: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showforum=34
  21. Have you tried calling the ticket office? I just ordered 3 tickets last week. To my knowledge, it is NOT yet sold out. 866-621-TDTD (8383) Or check Ticketmaster's website at: http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/160038EC...04&minorcatid=8
  22. It pains me, but I'm certainly rooting for the Patsies.
  23. Last time I was in Buffalo, we were driving into Niagara Falls completely shitfaced (except the driver, of course) and when asked why were going to Canadia, simply answered "to see some titties". Unfortunately, the 400lb, pissed off woman wasn't amused.
  24. its like X-Files, but for normal people...
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