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Everything posted by udonkey

  1. That was pretty kickass. Thats it...I'm going to Buffalo for the Steelers game. I can't just see one game this year.
  2. We drank Labatts in order to make it as authentic as possible. Typically I would've had a Bud Light in my hand.
  3. The only games I get to watch from my home are primetime games, and we all know how the past few of those have gone. Typically, I'm watching the Bengals/Browns/Colts
  4. "one of these things is not like the other..." right click one of the animated avatars and save to your computer - then go to your settings and upload that file
  5. Seasons don't fear the reaper Nor do the wind the sun or the rain
  6. Perhaps you didn't notice that I said OHIO. Here, 6-10 inches = 2 feet
  7. sure makes finding your own posts harder, eh?
  8. and your cold air and low pressure. Looks like Ohio is about to get smacked with a snowstorm in the next couple of days. My planned trip home for Christmas is Thursday and right now they're saying 6-10 inches of snow by then, meaning my trip might be delayed indefinitely.
  9. I thought I saw people drinking champagne... somehow though, with the combination of alcohol and pure excitement for the game, I overlooked it. normally I would've said something. usually the only champagne you see at Bungles games is the Champagne of Beer - Miller High Life.
  10. he didn't say "best team" - he said best "team"... i think he means most balanced
  11. How were they? Just like motor oil....what the heck was that crap anyways?
  12. You have chosen to ignore Rudyc80. View this post · Un-ignore Rudyc80
  13. tig ol' bitties
  14. can you chill with the peyton lovefest? you've been dangling from his nuts for the past couple of days. www.colts.com has a messageboard
  15. I'll take it any way we can get it. 5 years from now, I'm not going to think "we backed into the playoffs" - I'm going to think "we made the fuggin playoffs!!!!!"
  16. Can't be Atlanta - Michael Vick is destined to never cut his hair
  17. If I can round up someone to go with me, I might head up.
  18. I had the opportunity to verbally rip some redneck piece of sh-- sitting next to me to pieces for standing up and cheering when Willis was face down on the field.
  19. Looks like one of the most attractive group of female football fans ever assembled. Props to you guys...
  20. Some chants that I recall throughout the game - - the Shout song being sang throughout the stadium every time the Bills scored - a lot of "T-K-O" chants, especially by the group by the tunnel (probably what you saw on TV) - I heard "I've got a feeling...." several times, late in the game
  21. We thought it was pretty funny - they were huddled around what was left of someone's fire. There were a couple of smoldering logs. They were not pissing...I could see why'd you would think that though.
  22. Sec. 313 - felt like we were right in the middle of the friggin jet stream - I was still thawing out hours after I got home last night.
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