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Everything posted by ArtVandalay

  1. It's a thread about Baltimore and just a bunch of Patriot comments. How fragile are you guys? Come on... With a team that's won 11 straight, this better get every bit of attention of the NFL and investigated.
  2. If there was ever a time for a "boo-ing" emoticon, this would be it.
  3. They would have had 20 if they kicked a FG at the end of the game but obviously didn't because of the situation. But did you watch the game? All our defense had to do when NE had the ball in the mid 4th was not give up a TD. Allowing a FG on that possession was fine, we could still win with a FG of our own. All we needed to do was not let them score a TD... But not only did they score a TD but the 2pt conversion as well. That NE offense has looked terrible recently too, especially brady. And yet he had little problem finding open men and had zero pressure that final drive.
  4. Then stop using Tom Brady.
  5. So... If I did vote for Phillips, does this mean Ed is my friend?
  6. You know when you are a kid and new things you say or do are cool, and then when your parents start saying or doing those things it becomes lame? It's the same thing when the media latches onto something.
  7. Star and Phillips play two completely different roles on the LOS. It's like comparing an edge rush OLB sack numbers to a MLB. Star is a lineman eating DT that allows other players like Phillips, Edmunds, Milano to perform their playmaking roles. Star will not show up on the stat sheet, but if the unit is playing well and guys like Edmunds are moving freely in space and Phillips is undressing single blockers and can't be double teamed -- then Star is doing his job.
  8. They should have drafted a WR this past year... They need to do it this year, maybe not round 1 but in the 1st 3. Picking in the 20s Is be okay drafting a RT or Guard. Good line play with a good QB is always a recipe for extended success.
  9. Maybe it was through wifi signal then when i did it in a pinch, but i can tell you with certainty I've mirrored to a tv on cell data and it wasn't that bad, not HD but not horrible. Or you watch it on your phone HD... Regardless it's certainly an option for someone where the alternative is no game or radio. Personally I'd just go to a sports bar/restaurant bar.
  10. Fumbled twice vs Miami too. Highest fumble rate in the NFL with 100+ carries. Right now it's a problem. But he could easily call Vanilla Ice and solve it.
  11. How would it be terrible? With 4G LTE i stream HD with zero issues. And i just have Metro that rides on TMobile cheap cheap. Obviously it's not the same as TV quality from satellite or fios but he's already short on options.
  12. The book is out of him now the league has some tape. He's slippery - shakes and jukes at elite level, but he's still not that fast, doesn't have a 5th gear. Teams are aware with his running style to continue pursuit from behind and go for the ball. Absolutely expect Belichick and the Patriots to try to exploit this as well.
  13. Screen mirror and using cell data have nothing to do with one another. You connect to the TV with Bluetooth.
  14. Shouldn't the ONLY NY team have their song by a NY guy? Billy Joel - Allentown
  15. Yahoo will be streaming it as they do all national televised games. But i think only on mobile devices -- you could always screen mirror to your TV. Or go to any sports bar.
  16. Yes. Romam's offense had a lifespan of about 1.5 years in both SF and here in Buffalo. Lamar is in the honeymoon stage of his offense. The question is of Roman can adapt and grow the offense unlike before. Jackson is more talented than Krapernick and Taylor and I don't think it's close. But the half read offense has a shelf life... Can he open it up long term? But as for now history says yes, this offense will be solved.
  17. Joe Buck? Joe Buck? He is the WORST. Like Jean-Ralphio Saperstein wooooooorst announcer in the world.
  18. Exactly, Lamar still needs to be insanely talented and great at what he does for it to work, but disguising the optics of a ball is an added benefit -- just like how it's illegal for baseball pitchers to wear white sleeves and the batters eye needs to be a dark color at parks and places like Fenway are forced to put a dark tarp over the CF seats for day games. Lamar is a great kid and super talented and i don't think anyone has questioned that. An innocent comment that is not derogatory in nature or intended to be and is purely just honest commentary on optics shouldn't be controversy. I hope the game Sunday doesn't get dragged down by any nonsense.
  19. Usually summer down is said to someone upset or angry, not calmly expressing their point of view. Your quoted statement does nothing other than support my previous statement. His character had been attacked publicly. His public reputation had been damaged.His future earnings rely on that reputation. His suspension damages his current earnings. It's pretty cut and dry how he is harmed from this both current abd future earnings, nevermind his personal reputation. It's not suing "for anything" he's losing a paycheck. His future employment is affected. These are tangible loses, not hurt feelings.
  20. Love Sammy but entirely unreliable. Sad because he's so good.
  21. Lol what? Simmer down? I calmly explained to you why that case would be appropriate to sue. Projecting what? That he has an appropriate case to sue for being publicly labeled a racist by his employer? I'm a bit lost on this with what you're saying. It feels like you are cobbling up some trendy phrases just because we disagree.
  22. Not worth suing about? In this society? His reputation is going to be absolutely destroyed. He'll never make it to a high profile job. His career is toast. They basically labeled him and punished him as a racist. There's a tangible loss of earnings both current and future. Yes, you sure for that
  23. So the league that has rules about needing to interview a black candidate anytime you hire a coach with networks that continually promote statistics and successes of black quarterbacks are telling announcers not to comment on skin color of a player when it affects the effectiveness of a fake? So if he wore black or brown sleeves to hide a ball that's okay to comment, but not the mention of his actual skin in combination with uniform in a way that's not negative or derogatory whatsoever. This guy should sue the crap out of everyone. What he said was not the least bit derogatory.
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