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Everything posted by ArtVandalay

  1. If we didn't get that first down Baltimore would have had more than a minute to only kick a FG. Horrible management.
  2. McD is a moron just did everything possible to put us in position for a loss and got lucky. Still need the FG though.
  4. Coaching going to try to throw this game away. McD special coming up. Going to pack it in for the FG. Only hope is for Josh to rip a monster play on his own.
  5. Edmonds is horrible. I've never seen a MLB take such horrible angles so consistently. Congress up shy and overruns plays all day long.
  6. I agree. But don't worry the best back will get much more run after the bye.. that's when Cook should take over for the 2 JAGs.
  7. It's so perfect that his name is Chad. He's such a Chad.
  8. But it's a fact he's done this stuff since he was a juvenile. So you can't blame his NFL career. And you certainly can't blame Burfict. Just facts.
  9. This. AB has been a nut case since he was a teenager. Got his FIU scholarship revoked and kicked out before his first game as a freshman. He was a nut case in the NFL before the Burfict hit too. Dude has literally done this stuff his entire life. He's a scum bag. He was drafted at end of the 6th round because he was a red flag player lol.
  10. He said mystical. Not mythical.
  11. Him and Tua about to be best friends.
  12. I was being sarcastic. $205k to ref there zero reason to hold another job. These guys choose to Nevada they have the extra time.
  13. https://www.playerprofiler.com/nfl/devin-singletary/ The fact is Singletary is just not that good. He is one of the least athletic RBs in the entire league, and he's undersized. Many Bills fans don't want to hear it because they like to over rate their own instead of looking at players critically and unbiased. He leaves so much opportunity for yardage on the field it's gross. He loves to dance and gets run down from behind. He's horrible at eating up open space. He's poor at running up the middle. Coaching staff does a great job scheming up some outside runs for him but you can only scheme so much. He's severely limited as a player and the coaching staff knows this and plays him accordingly. They already drafted his replacement in Cook who will bring some much needed athleticism to this backfield. I expect Cook to get the most touches in the backfield after the bye.
  14. Because reffing is a part time job that only pays $205k per year. How you expect them to live off that? Show us on this doll where an insurance underwriter touched you.
  15. Shaw, what you are not understanding is that Tua's org doesn't have a direct impact. If you wanted to give to one of the other non-profits he gives grants to you could just give directly to that org and have a bigger impact. Also many non-profits meet their admin costs in different ways. Good ones with have 90% or more of your funds go to the cause. You say you are doing good with your money but are you really? You're throwing away 44% if both are typical, maybe more. I don't think asking folks to think about their "giving" in a way that has the most impact is a bad thing. Do you care about yourself or the cause?
  16. Never let a win get to your head or a loss to your heart.
  17. Comical when NY residents try to make fun of other places like Florida. It's like people are competely unaware of the degeneracy of NY, violent criminals are set free no bail just to commit more crimes. The lack of self awareness is just hilarious. Lol you dont math, do you? Tua isn't Giving your money to a direct impact, it's being funneled to yet another charity. So if both Tua Fund and who ut gives it to are both typical charities then that's 75% of your 75%... so of your $17, only $9.56 goes to cause, $7.44 goes to cost.
  18. His base salary is 895k so over 17 games that is approx 52k per game... will take him a few games. That's exactly right, especially this charity... they pool your donations into a fund, pay themselves a nice salary, then pass the remaining funds on to another charity as a grant. They don't care, they just want your money.
  19. This all looks like speculation to me. He had a back injury vs the Bills and all indications are it was a finger injury yesterday. He'll be back out there on Sunday
  20. I was just coming here to say this. I pulled up his charity. It just grants to others and makes no direct impact. I also could not find any published administrative costs that well run charities typically produce and disclose. You are going to be giving to this fund, they are going to take admin costs, then give to another fund that then takes more admin costs. Your dollar has less and less impact And this becomes making you feel good rather than actually caring about impacting a cause. Keep your money local and at trusted non profits with low to no overhead. Additionally please donate your TIME and direct work each year.
  21. NO F'N WAY! The dude is a straight up dirty liar that got what he deserved. I'll keep my giving too local charities that actually impact my community and have low or no administrative costs.
  22. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You get what you F'n deserve. Lied about brain injury got more severe brain injury and now out even longer. Beyond stupid. No sympathy for him lying and putting himself through this.
  23. Looks like he's got a finger injury now.
  24. Santa in 2022 Big Foot Stadium Renderings Which gets seen first?
  25. I think we should give the Giants whatever they want for their running back... Antonio Williams.
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