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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. ...and now it's name calling. The Supreme Court will make its decision. Whatever my opinion is on the subject is not relevant. That is how the legal system works in America. The Supreme Court is the last stop, and the final word. Reread what I said and try to apply it to memory. I never said I read it. I said I heard of it. I believe it was on the last page before this one.
  2. In communism, everyone is under constant investigation. You were raised in the wrong country perhaps. Have you ever been to China? You might like it.
  3. ...and you are being rude and projecting. If you have a case to make, then make it.
  4. You seem confused. The burden of proof is not up to me, but the prosecution. There is nothing to defend. If you have a case to make, then make it.
  5. Of course. I have also heard of the Constitution.
  6. When a lefty has to make their case with specifics, this is how every conversation goes. They get dramatic, and cast aspersions. I ask a simple question of legality, and you hide. Happy Mothers Day by the way. It's a beautiful day outside.
  7. I get the feeling you have no idea what is going on...at all. Specify the statute(s) that he is being charged with.
  8. Specify which case. The murder?
  9. The reasons for the shutdown AT THE TIME were anecdotal. Did you intentionally miss the point? Then again, I don't believe a double blind study has been done on the actual cause of this economic disaster, since you don't budge without one of those.
  10. I could care less about China or their future. It isn't my nation. Last I checked, they are a massive problem worldwide.
  11. Outstanding. This is why the whole mask nonsense never made sense to me. The logic of wearing a petri dish on your face to bring into your own home exacerbates the spread of hundreds of dangerous pathogens. The best part is that when you exhale in public, the outside surface contaminants spread everywhere in high concentrations. It's a self destructive move.
  12. Which case are you referring to?
  13. Did Trump shoot someone on Fifth Avenue?
  14. Did he shoot someone on Fifth Avenue?
  15. Funny how our entire country can be economically smashed based on anecdotal evidence, but anecdotal evidence isn't good enough to reopen the economy.
  16. Which particular statute(s) are you referring to?
  17. Which particular statute are you referring to?
  18. Which particular statute are you referring to?
  19. The point of the exercise is that trillions of digital dollars are flowing into coffers that were otherwise on the verge of bankruptcy before the scamdemic. Reminds me of the movie Deep Throat. Better you than me. Good luck.
  20. Good morning Tiberius. Which "particular" statute are you referring to?
  21. When you say "law", which particular statute are you referring to?
  22. I disagree. You are 100% right in principle in my book, but the American people would absolutely not have been ready for that event a few years ago. Ironically, a great many things had to play out like this while the left doubles down on their deceptions month over month. The people are ready for it now because everyone in the country has their back against the wall at this point. Also, the media had go through a lengthy time period to discredit itself in the public eye. Also, we forget those who accurately reported on all this treachery as it was happening years ago while being called "conspiracy theorists". Public perception is paramount. Be safe bro.
  23. Those people for the most part have a poor lifestyle and terrible diet heavy in sugar. The country should not be locked down because those people can't control themselves. Given the real tyranny and hypocrisy that has revealed itself, I find that the people who now want to control everyone else in totality can't even control themselves. The irony alone will kill more people than the virus itself.
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