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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. You are quite the fraud. Please, continue.
  2. That seems to be the point of the whole exercise. Surrender to the demands of the left, or become unviable economically. Hold out long enough, and they will starve you to death if necessary. Stalin would be proud.
  3. I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this. I am not underestimating anything from my point of view. I know many people who think that they have an excellent diet while triggering insulin almost 24 hours a day, day after day, and using cooking oils that are not fit for human consumption, and or eating processed food loaded with hidden sugars and GMO frankenfood. My own doctor knows virtually nothing about nutrition. I am currently looking for a new doctor of course. Well, all I can say is good luck to you, and I do wish the best for the people you know that have real genetic conditions. My father was such a person too.
  4. Excellent points. As usual, we are treated like mushrooms.
  5. I fail to see the conflict here. You are using a template based on rare genetic conditions. I never disputed that, and those people require our support. But you can't let slide the overwhelming majority of people who contaminate themselves through poor diet and other lifestyle choices. Type 2 diabetes is reversible for the vast majority with the right dietary decisions. Simple sugars are enemy number one in all its forms. It is the prime driver of inflammation in the body. It is the prime enemy of the liver, because once those processes in the liver are compromised, snowballs become avalanches. If this makes me a bad guy, then I will accept that. It sucks not eating pizza anymore, or ice cream and Doritos, but it can be done.
  6. True, but remember, everyone is getting a debt infusion of liquidity to maintain the very options that you describe. Again, without the extension of that liquidity from our credit system, those options disappear entirely. We keep glancing over the fact that even last Fall, the banking system required trillions of dollars remain viable.
  7. That used to be true, now it is how much the bank is willing to "lend" to you. That is where price discovery is at these days. Banks stop lending, everything contracts. They stop lending long enough, and prices collapse to almost nothing. The credit system has prime control over pricing trends in the aggregate.
  8. At this point in time, I find it a little odd that with so many people who have recovered from this, why there aren't more news stories interviewing these recovery stories. We could all use some positive stories about beating this disease, and yet there is almost nothing. I am sure it is nothing of course.
  9. You are correct, I will leave the daily lecturing to you. Let me know when I can live my life again.
  10. Lecturing? Forget what I said. Eat whatever you want, do what ever you want, pop whatever pills your doctor pushes, and when you guys feel safe again, let the rest of us know when we can get to live our lives again. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings since that is clearly priority one these days. Make sure you eat lots of sugar and processed food today, and think of me. I apologize for giving hope to anyone who even imagines being able to help themselves. Damn I am a horrible person.
  11. BS. I used injuries as an excuse and over a couple years I became pre-diabetic and hypertensive. When I got sick for 3 weeks last December and had all the COVID 19 symptoms including numbness in the limbs, I had to change my ways. I lost 35 lbs since then and the total elimination of simple sugars and industrial cooking oils was the foundation of the changes I made, along with intermittent fasting. I still can't exercise properly until I get my surgeries, but that day approaches slowly but surely. My blood pressure is now normal, and I am no longer pre-diabetic. I know I know, I am supposed to take pharmaceuticals and continue to have no self control over what I put in my body because it's "so difficult". Yeah, it is difficult. Survival and not being a burden on others is difficult.
  12. Lay off the sugar and stop snacking between meals. Avoid food that causes inflammation. It's not about being fair, but protecting yourself with discipline. We all have a genetic problem when we abuse ourselves, or let others do it instead.
  13. I have heard that explanation also, but in practice, I am curious if that is the truth. Quality control issues and fraud are my main concern, given the fraud that the WHO got caught perpetrating in Tanzania recently. It is my understanding that the president of Tanzania was also a physician.
  14. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/we-sent-them-samples-goat-papaya-pheasant-tanzanian-president-catches-who-epic-lie Another example of WHO criminal shenanigans.
  15. I was just having some fun. He provides a little target practice. I don't know if you're a mother or not, but if you are, happy Mothers Day. You are not wrong, we have been on the receiving end of propaganda from competing foreign and domestic business interests for a couple of centuries. The BS we have been fed is a real horror show.
  16. A quick question for clarification. These tests for COVID 19. Last I checked, COVID 19 is the disease, not the virus itself, which is an important distinction. What exactly are they testing for? To my knowledge all these tests are simply finding basic samples of the generic coronavirus nRNA as an exosome in people's systems, of which there are roughly 3 dozen forms of it, with just a few that can infect humans, and not the actual mutated form of the alleged COVID 19 disease itself, which occurs after the nRNA hijacks the healthy cells and creates the disease itself. It would seem they are testing for the common cold, and creating more panic and excuses to close the economy until after the election.
  17. All I know is that impeachment failed. Better luck next time.
  18. That is three times you misrepresent what I said. I never said you were East Germany. I simply stated that we don't live there. Well, this has been educational. Movie time. See you guys in a few hours. Go Bills!
  19. ...again, I never said OUR opinions aren't relevant. You seem argumentative about a situation that will end quite predictably, whether I agree or not. I have the right not to share any opinion that I don't feel like sharing. We don't live in East Germany yet, but give it time. Maybe you can interrogate me in the future.?
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