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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. You really are twisted...and a liar.
  2. ...or he is a pathological liar.
  3. You keep doubling down as a pathological liar. Please, continue.
  4. I'll make it classy. You are a pathological liar and you are spineless. Now it is classy and accurate. Good point. Obama's sealed records are on the table then.
  5. You are a pathological liar with no shame. Your political ideology suits you well. When did this fantasy of putting people on lists start? Your Nazi interior can no longer hide itself.
  6. What are your thoughts on the Empire Press Union?
  7. How much more catastrophe do think is necessary to ensure a Biden victory?
  8. Wonderful! This whole thing deserves mockery. I love it.
  9. That's awesome. I am tempted to get an Arab style executioners hood to wear out in public myself.
  10. When Flynn stopped obeying orders from Obama and resisted our covert support of ISIS, he became a marked man. God bless General Flynn.
  11. It's only 46,000,000 people. I wouldn't even bring it up if you weren't such a hypocrite. You are just mad because Hillary lost and globalism as it once was, is dead, and it is never coming back. I hope you post a photo of the expression on your face when Obama is executed for treason.
  12. You are so dramatic. We all have blood on our hands either directly or indirectly. The difference between you and I is that I am not a hypocrite. This whole "pandemic" is a fraud.
  13. I like the elitist streak you have. Were you a PR guy? The best ones are sycophants to hierarchical structures.
  14. 46,000,000 abortions since 1970. That does not include the US citizens never born because those aborted babies never grew up to procreate. The left is collapsing under the weight of its own contradictions. Your propaganda game is weak and getting weaker by the day. This will be a long Summer for you guys.
  15. Your propaganda is slick. You cleverly slide away from the points I made. Wearing masks in open spaces and stores, which are never sterile environments is ridiculous. If you are not sanitizing these masks frequently it is just ***** of one's paranoia. Villainizing capitalists and scientists, well guess what. Some of them are absolute villains. That is a cute method of converting my criticism of some as an attack on the scope of broad band ideology. Don't hold your breathe on that vaccine either. Everyone I know that takes the flu shot gets sick within weeks every year. The people I know that don't take it, tend to never get sick. By this time next year, the Rand Corporation and Stratfor will have their studies ready on this whole episode. I will likely put more trust into their conclusions than the chicken littles that just destroyed the lives of entire nations. Also, why was Fort Derrick shut down last September by the CDC? Why was the Wuhan lab shut down a month later? Why does Fauci work on "gain of function" research in both labs via the NIH to make these viruses worse and more contagious? It's just a business to them.
  16. You carry on as if you still work for Big-Pharma. These models everyone is in love with are simply business models. As far as being anti-science, science is a method, not something one believes in. Too many scientists are treated as the new "priest" class in our society and they are wrong quite often. Most of these people can not exist without tenure at the overpriced universities.
  17. I stand corrected. You are right.
  18. Anecdotal opinions from so called experts with profit motives and other corporate/political agendas are not of interest to me at this point. Where is the double blind study with the requisite control group?
  19. Still not convinced. Too anecdotal.
  20. Since you will be home for a while...
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