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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. It is a covert operation for counterintelligence. Everyone complicit in this fraud is weighed and measured.
  2. If Flynn was such a traitor, how come this went through civilian law enforcement, and not military court marshal? Flynn can make absolutely no communication with anyone without the military intelligence services knowing about it in live time, which by definition if it was a criminal, those operatives would then be complicit in the crimes if they failed to act and report up the chain. Impossible. This whole game is about military intelligence penetrating and cleaning out the legacy civilian intelligence services.
  3. Out of the few hundred thousand survivors, I see very few, if ever, profiled on the MSM services. Out of all the TV coverage, how many profiles of survivors have you seen. Vulnerable people could use stories about survival and triumph, and I see very little of that.
  4. You are a smart man playing a smart game. I am not saying anything you don't already know.
  5. You will eventually come to learn that the Mueller probe was actually interfering with a legally sanctioned military intelligence investigation into the illegal support of ISIS. The Patriot Act is still in effect, and it cuts many ways if military intelligence assesses you as an enemy combatant.
  6. It is similar to the climate whatever people who agree with Bill Gates that the goal is to get CO2 emissions to zero.
  7. By the time the lefties understand that Flynn was/remains an active military intelligence officer working within a Special Access Program running a counterintelligence sting operation on the traitorous Obama administration, Trump will be re-elected. Absolutely nothing Flynn did was without the full cooperation of Defense Logistics, the DIA, and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. I will enjoy the ridicule I receive now to enjoy the sweet "I told you so" in November. This is just too awesome.
  8. I am very happy for your mother's friend. Unfortunately, you provided a very short list, and Hollywood people don't count. I am just surprised we are not hear about the many thousands of survivors and their complete experiences. It would be informative.
  9. The sales pitch and the real world result are never the same thing when politics and business are involved.
  10. Where are the interviews of the survivors?
  11. That is the rub. There is little incentive to end the "threat" given the trillions of 0% money being distributed. We are in a sense hostages being held for ransom at this point. Just my opinion of course.
  12. This whole thing is a charade as globalism dies. The media know it, the administration knows it, but you won't until probably next year.
  13. I was REFERENCING the REPORTERS behavior after every press conference, but you already new that. You are a polished PR man. Very good.
  14. Quick question. How come after these presidential press conferences the reporters tend to take their masks off and completely ignore the social distancing?
  15. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexledsom/2020/05/10/hydroxychloroquinenumber-of-prescriptions-explode-in-france/
  16. You wouldn't happen to be a Jesuit by any chance?
  17. You just can't stop lying. You are going to provide some amazing entertainment over the next 6 months. You do you, as disgusting as that may be.
  18. Call me what you like, but you are a pathological liar.
  19. As I recall, everything the Nazis did was legal in German courts. It took years to accomplish, but they achieved institutional evil. Your mind set is clear. You worship the authority of the state. If the state condones barbarism that benefits you, you are all in. Very few things in life really set me off, but the Nazi mindset does it every time. I absolutely hate Nazis.
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