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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. You have a vested interest in the policies of Benito Cuomo. That much is clear. You are a promoter of fear...nothing else. Do you work for Bloomberg too? You are right, pain is coming.?
  2. This over selling of fear is getting old. The worst part is that you don't even believe your own words. Are you on Bloomberg's payroll?
  3. You are becoming my favorite Nazi. Did they promise you a job as a guard when people get rounded up?
  4. It's true, karma really does love me. Are you a lab rat too?
  5. We already have gun laws, traitor.
  6. Your life is not important to me. You support the USA being held hostage and being treated like lab rats to be tracked and traced.
  7. We must obey big pharma and those who are invested in them...or else. We are being treated like hostages.
  8. This tyrannical reaction to the so called pandemic is extreme. Forced vaccinations or you are under house arrest, if not worse. Contact tracing funded by Bloomberg, but of course none of this is political.
  9. It is true, I am an idiot. It is also true that you are a parasite, and support all other parasites. You are also a traitor to your fellow citizens.
  10. As someone who last had the flu 24 years ago without taking the flu shot since, the question isn't why not take it, but why? I am open to listening to sales pitches, and if the company producing the vaccine is IMMUNE from liability due to an injury to myself as a result, then that is of course a non-starter. I am always open to negotiation, and I would prefer to see what everyone else's experience is first on a fairly lengthy stretch of time. We don't share the same fear, so as a result, we do not share the same motivation to take a shot straight to the blood stream. I don't mind you taking it of course. Your body, your choice.
  11. Listen commie, all they have to do is stop holding us hostage. The fact that you endorse your fellow citizens being held for ransom to shake trillions of dollars out of the system is absolutely awful. Unfortunately, you are the sort of parasite that will suck the last drop of blood from the host, which ultimately destroys you. Please never stop posting. You are like a speed bag.
  12. The Flynn situation will now lead into a full investigation into the Covington Law Firm crew which ties to William Holder. Mexico is investigating Fast and Furious on their end. Soon we will have the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Health Initiative investigations and their ties to the Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization, which will tie into my favorite Knight of Malta, Tony Fauci, who always gets his % in the bioweapons game. These people have been a scourge on the third world especially. Their time is just about over.
  13. Timing is everything. This is chess, not checkers. You haven't seen anything yet. Enjoy the show.
  14. To be fair, what comes next hasn't happened yet. I can assure you, adaptation has not happened yet. You will do well I think. The problem with revolution today is that it can only come from within the military ranks for reasons that should be obvious to all. When it is all said and done, history will know who the real revolutionaries were.
  15. That is good because you will mentally adapt much better and faster than most after we all go through this global transition.
  16. This is another idea that is way ahead of its time. It will take more than a few years for people to look back on what really happened with far better resolution than we have available now. Just my opinion of course.
  17. Well meaning patriots aren't going to see it your way on this just yet. In my opinion, you are a year ahead of your time at minimum. We are all dug in like ticks in our respective positions because those positions function as lifeboats in a time when everything that was will never be the same again.
  18. People are unfortunately thinking the same way their own pets do.
  19. That is actually not true. It is perfectly legal to yell fire in a crowded movie theatre if there is a fire.
  20. Following procedure is paramount when running an official investigation that will be prosecuted in the public space. However, surveillance is perpetual and does not require any special permission if you intend to wage war or settle a conflict "by other means" or "off the books". People need to get a grip on the degree that most of the surveillance apparatus is owned and operated by "private contractors". It's a vast web with eyes watching each others eyes. Let's not pretend that even the good guys are immune to running off the books operations. Integrity is not a left right false paradigm.
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