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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. Don't forget that they want you disarmed while all of this is happening. If they can't get the political power they desire, they will burn down civilization out of spite.
  2. Now that is one hell of a conspiracy theory.
  3. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/popular-tesla-analyst-explains-why-investors-should-be-extremely-skeptical-moderna-and-its Old habits die hard.
  4. You sure can pick'em. Good luck!
  5. Can you be more specific? When things I post get merged, it is what it is.
  6. The profit potential is YUUUGE! If Gilead owned it, and it was recommended by Obama, it would have been a huge hit.
  7. https://hennessysview.com/did-cuomo-use-intentionally-kill-the-elderly/ Cuomo knows how to save money.
  8. https://www.stripes.com/news/air-force/air-force-space-wing-commander-dies-at-peterson-air-force-base-1.629647 It would appear that the sudden death of the Chinese diplomat is retaliation for this man's death. Both share the same rank in their respective military branches.
  9. Shouldn't all those people be dead? HCQ is a death sentence. https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/cleveland/news/press-releases/former-cleveland-clinic-employee-arrested One of Fauci's buddy's is in little bit of trouble. https://www.pnas.org/content/99/4/2320
  10. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/100-million-chinese-back-under-lockdown-millions-americans-europeans-flock-parks This tyranny is on its way out.
  11. How very interesting that the Trump haters ALSO hate that he is taking HCQ with zinc. Agendas agendas haha. If HCQ was still covered under a patent, they would be pushing it hard. It figures most of the deaths are in places where they refused the use of HCQ and zinc with the Z-pack. What I love about this situation is that the hypocrites will now root for his demise while he takes it. When he survives unscathed, they will cry about that too.
  12. The people with a vested interest in big Pharma just ain't contain themselves anymore. I love it.
  13. ...and now we get to the point of the exercise. You believe in forced vaccinations.
  14. True. I don't operate within your fantasy land. There is no vaccine. Your PR campaign is good now, but it won't last.
  15. This virus was developed and studied in more than a few laboratories. This is not a "mystery" virus by any stretch of the imagination. Everyone has the right to believe what they want. This whole business is an absolute fraud to hold billions of people hostage. Trillions are being created as a result. If you think that is a coincidence, then you are naive. Just my opinion.
  16. There is no pandemic. You wear whatever you like, and I will do the same.
  17. http://arnoldit.com/wordpress/2020/05/15/google-regular-search-not-up-to-covid19-queries-who-knew/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+beyondsearchblog+(Beyond+Search)
  18. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/turkey-demands-new-nato-intervention-libya-haftar-must-be-stopped
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