It would seem that a few people here are under the impression that "science" is where studies are done, conclusions made, and the debate ends. This absurd. The beauty of science is that it is a method of logic and controlled experimentation in the hopes of drawing useful conclusions. The problem is that on a fifty year average, a large range of conclusions get thrown out the window due to innovation and technology. 100 authentic scientists, technologists, or doctors may agree in principle on some things, but they tend to disagree on research and studies all of the time, especially at the level of giving a prognosis on a specific problem. Science is in a constant state of revolution, and the people claiming on what is settled in terms of research are clinging to dogma. The fact is that there are a lot of poorly designed and implemented studies that produce incorrect results, and history has shone that people sometimes suffer for it. In a country full of pill poppers and sugar addicts, we need to reassess our overall methodology. Many doctors are just intermediaries for pharmaceutical distribution.