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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. The Founding Fathers warned of the "tyranny of the majority", or simply put, mob rules. Dershowitz isn't losing it, this is his true ideology.
  2. I strongly suggest people watch this.
  3. I don't believe that is in his job description.
  4. Another irony is that I believe the CEO of CNN now was the producer for the Apprentice. Everything is contrived. It looks like Q-lazy posted something. I'll bet it was another proof of intelligent life. I guess I will have to go through the rest of my life not knowing.
  5. You guys are going to have to speak up, your excrement doesn't show up on my screen anymore.
  6. Old Ronny D has some Jake the Snake in him when it comes to handling BS.
  7. Why would I sue? Did I vilify him? Am I far left? His advertisers for his show are selling pills for everything. I simply commented that he knows who butters his toast. As for being through a lot, not relevant to me. We all have a story, and a story yet to be told.
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