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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. I share all of your concerns. The damage done by this shutdown is profound and still widely unknown. There is no precedent for it. We must soldier on and apply what we learn day to day. Sadly, there is no holistic model currently available to evaluate the damage as of yet. I agree with your premise of "ideal antis". Capitalists who have maintained their ethics tend to be exceedingly pragmatic and effective, especially in emergencies. I maintain hope for effective solutions and accountability.
  2. The strange part is being labeled anti science and anti capitalist. Due to non-disclosure and teaming agreements, I have to be careful with what I say, but my bread and butter is in the technology side of things, and I believe in profits with ethics. Good luck to you sir, and I hope your business survives and thrives after this. For those that can weather the deflationary pressures that are inbound, I believe we will have success again. Trans-national criminal organizations are the true global epidemic. They can only kill us once.
  3. Chinese money washing through major pharmaceutical companies and paying for advertising everywhere is a big incentive to squash having any discussion on a drug that they do not own the patent on. The situation is not complicated.
  4. Why take the childish and hyperbolic route? You big pharma propaganda guys are all the same. If you don't care about international criminal networks operating and laundering money through the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Health Initiative, the Gates Foundation, and bioweapons development tying it all together in Wuhan through gain of function research, then you are either complicit or intentionally ignorant. If you think my postings make me an anti-capitalist, then you are just practicing your finely honed PR skills. Time is on my side on this subject. If you don't like what I post now, you are really going to hate what I post over the coming months. By all means, cover your ears and close your eyes in the presence of what you disagree with. That is what intelligent people do, correct??
  5. History is likely to show that they knew exactly what they were doing. They are "experts" of course. Then again when experts are wrong and there are casualties, some will rationalize away the result as merely a "miscalculation".
  6. If you don't want to watch the video, then don't watch it. I am not interfering with your daily public service announcements to manage the herd. If the material is silly, why the fuss from such an astute individual as yourself who refuses to even watch it? If you don't like where the public narrative is beginning to trend, that is not my problem. I am sure the "science" of climate change is indisputable in your book also, which isn't my problem either.
  7. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/do-lockdowns-work-mounting-evidence-says-no
  8. Try watching it again at half speed if it helps. Try not to get triggered this time. Your narrative is still safe.
  9. A lawyer pretending to know something about the truth. Now I've heard everything. This coming Winter will prove to be quite bitter for you.
  10. Here is the footage of Curly Q getting hired.
  11. https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/05/the-arts-of-government-criminality/
  12. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/full-fauci-timeline-sorting-fact-fiction https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/trust-being-undermined-harvard-medical-school-prof-questions-faucis-shading-vaccine-results https://www.zerohedge.com/health/did-lockdown-save-lives
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