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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8349795/Charlamagne-tha-God-lays-Bidens-record-African-Americans.html
  2. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8349795/Charlamagne-tha-God-lays-Bidens-record-African-Americans.html
  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8349795/Charlamagne-tha-God-lays-Bidens-record-African-Americans.html
  4. Fortunately, you have no say on the matter, unless you are into arson of course.
  5. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/bay-area-hospital-sees-unprecedented-spike-suicides-during-lockdowns
  6. What have the Democrats done in the past 3 years? They have served the interests of the EU and the Communist Chinese.
  7. Boris is on notice that if he wants a trade deal with the USA, China must be out of the communications network. Good morning Tibs. Is this your tranny alter ego for the weekends?
  8. You just described the DNC platform and the Communist Chinese agenda for America. I like what you did there. The coordinated onslaught of Communist Chinese sponsored trolls should be defecating all over this in a few hours with their hate for America. Please, continue. Remind us how important it is to vote Trump to protect us from people such as yourselves. Paradoxical agitation propaganda on your part will help ensure Trump 2020!
  9. Your loyalty to communist china is crystal clear. Congratulations.
  10. Have you considered decaffeinated coffee? Meditation? Perhaps a nice ice cream cone?
  11. https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/remdesivir-study-finally-out-drug-only-helped-those-oxygen-finds-mortality-too-high
  12. I completely agree. There are benefits however for waiting till this election year to start investigating under the microscope what amounts to 5 years of crimes. This feels like a sting operation IF IF IF they do it right. By now, the vast majority of conspirators should have fully revealed themselves and their back channels of coordination. I remain hopeful. The American public has the attention span of a gnat, so waiting till now to wage a full scale push back may yet prove to be the winning strategy. At least now, the majority of Americans have already assessed the situation for what it is and want justice. Two years ago, the MSM still had credibility and investigations would have looked like political theatre and retribution.
  13. Can you imagine how Killary would be handling this "pandemic"? Our Constitutional rights would be under permanent suspension. Perhaps some of us would already be in FEMA camps. Thank God for Trump.
  14. It's astounding how it has come down to this. It's ironic that as we must wear masks now, their masks are coming off.
  15. It is quite clear that the people who have supported this Russia conspiracy have historically given China a free pass...on everything.
  16. This omission reveals perhaps an agenda. There are many strains of the same disease that are separated by geography. Measles as an example has multiple strains, some that are quite virulent. That is why many people who had their immunizations for Measles got infected with these new strains. With the border crisis over the years and trends towards sanctuary cities for illegals from around the world, it amazes me how some people act surprised that these diseases are making a comeback when geographic isolation of such illnesses are eliminated. TB from these countries exported into America will be in the news over the next few years, and sadly you will see even more deaths as a result.
  17. My post was in reference to those four states that forced sick seniors back into these assisted living facilities. It doesn't take a genius to understand that the death counts would dramatically increase as a result, and that is why I won't let them off the hook for that decision. Haven't you noticed the lack of remorse on the subject and the political capital it created in arguing for delays in reopening due to death totals. You may want to consider that some of our leaders have sociopathic tendencies in regards to promoting their agendas. Human life these days is quite fungible. We must not forget that this virus was not an unknown commodity. It was produced in a Wuhan bioweapons lab working on "gain of function" research. Create a problem, profit off of the solution. This is not a new game.
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