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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. My mind is now completely blown.
  2. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/yale-epidemiologist-hydroxychloroquine-should-be-widely-available-and-promoted-immediately No ***** *****.
  3. That is straight up local leadership right there. It's fitting that it would come from a sheriff, which is of course a Constitutional Officer. Power needs to drain from the federal and state and return to local communication and local problem solving. God bless these people.
  4. The porn movies aren't the issue so much as in his scenes he struggles to perform and always appeared disoriented and in physical distress. Cocaine just ***** your cardiovascular system up so bad. Believe me. I wish none of this ever happened to this dude.
  5. The oldest game in the book is having one half of the poor fighting the other half of the poor. While people are live in that environment, the wealthy and organized plunder while you barely realize that they exist. And when someone in the same distress you are in with a scared family brings that up, it's hard to focus on because you must focus on daily survival. This why drugs were run into the inner cities and always at least two competing gangs or players were utilized. People chose sides when there is only really one side working against you.
  6. The key here is the degree to which the military can utilize its superior assets to do full spectrum network analysis of who any of these people are, all of their communications, all of their financial transactions, the structure of their networks, identify all support networks, all political affiliations and support, and all would fall under the court jurisdiction of a military tribunal. This is a counter terrorism counter intelligence operation that has been on-going for years. The NSA and the Geo-spatial boys have it all. Now the fun begins. We have been divided by highly organized criminals and haters. We need them out of our way so that we can be real human beings to each other. This skin color thing is obsolete. We are all such an amazing mix of so much diverse genetic material these days that skin tone tells you zero about someones ethnic background.
  7. Not mine. Billstime posted something and fortunately I didn't have to see his communist excrement on my screen. Good luck getting that straightened out brother.
  8. False. Once labeled a terrorist organization, justice served will be under military jurisdiction per the Patriot Act. Military Intelligence has the jurisdiction now to act directly against them on US soil. No civilian court required. Once attributed as enemy combatants, you essentially have no rights and can be killed without due process regardless of where that individual stands on planet Earth. This is all a highly organized insurrection. Also, look up the Insurrection Act.
  9. In other words. Check mate. Some will be in Gitmo soon. Some will be killed straight up. Many will be prosecuted. All will rat each other out. There are no heroes amongst this lot. I am tired of this divide and conquer *****.
  10. It does if it was a contributing factor to his death at the time due to cardiovascular stress beyond being restrained by the cop. I don't support the cop in this, but if the coroner potentially claims that the man had cocaine in his system and heart disease, then don't expect a conviction for manslaughter. One juror is all that is required for the cop to get off.
  11. The problem for the victim in this case is that he was a drug addict.
  12. They will now be treated as enemy combatants. Yes. ENTIRELY different rule book. All who aid, abet, and finance them are in real trouble.
  13. I guess it is safe to assume which Governors and Mayors will endorse UN Peacekeepers entering American cities.
  14. The only pandemic I see is the radical left destroying the American way of life.
  15. That is the ice cold truth. When civilization crumbles around you, you are the only one that can defend yourself.
  16. Don't worry, the police are on their way.
  17. Among the current crop of mayors, who knows, but perhaps elections would have better consequences with less free money floating around to clean up the mess of so many apathetic people living with latent sociopathy in their neighborhoods. I still have hope.
  18. The police were right there to serve and protect.
  19. Judging by these riots, I'd say one good thing has occurred. The pandemic must be over. Do we get released from house arrest yet, or do we have to riot too?
  20. Soon, state and local governments will want bailouts for this too. The bigger the mess, the bigger the bailout. Not much incentive to prevent catastrophe anymore. It's a profitable business model. Not for us of course, but that is the point after all. At least the bankers are safe. Always have been, always will.
  21. They don't care. They have security guards and all the ice cream they could dream of.
  22. Deadly force will be used very soon in the name of self defense. It's unavoidable at this point. When your life is in danger, defending yourself in court is not priority number one. You have to be alive to go to court for lethal self defense in the first place.
  23. George Soros keeps him in the loop.
  24. The Insurrection Act is in play here. It should be a military operation to shut this all down. As for the political ramifications, it's too late for those sorts of considerations. Losing votes, well I guess there is only one way to find out. If they want violence so bad, then they should get it. At this point, they are begging for it.
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