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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. Funny how C3PO went from a verbose arrogant lawyer to a one line Q-baby clone in 24 hours. Maybe they are the same person? I saw when you quoted his comment that he said four floors underground when just this afternoon it was 5 floors underground. Is it a full moon tonight?
  2. How do you know that. People break laws every day, especially law enforcement officers and judges. Heroin is illegal, and it's everywhere. Changing a law and changing behavior are not the same thing.
  3. Then get your stomach ready for what should be obvious, more violence and the inevitable appearance of US troops on American streets.
  4. Small price to pay for protesters airing their grievances every damn night. Then I guess we disagree. It's cool.
  5. We heard their grievances. If they are going to grieve every day in the streets forever and ever while Antifa destroys neighborhoods every night then they are stupid, and no one will ever want to live in those neighborhoods ever again. Not too smart.
  6. Obama supported open borders and sanctuary cities. You focus on arrests when you should focus on how many came across the border unobstructed on his watch.
  7. Clearly the crowds need to wise up and go home.
  8. The protesters have a responsibility to stop protesting if every time they protest violence happens. Night after night they are putting themselves in a predictably worse situation then they did the night before. Are they going to just roam the streets protesting for months on end?
  9. What is wrong with you? He didn't order any troops yet. Also, the people that would receive those orders will have a lot to say if those orders aren't legal. You seem to confuse media speculation with reality. Start tracking what actually happens and answer a simple question. Did he do anything illegal? If so, what damn statute did he break?
  10. That would be nice, but telling us won't stop it.
  11. There might be hope for you yet, albeit not much.
  12. What has he done that is illegal? It's a simple question.
  13. Still worshiping Fast and Furious Obama?
  14. Try to focus. What has he done that is illegal?
  15. When you call them out on that fact they act like they aren't supporters of the anarchy, when in fact they give anarchy their tacit approval. They are straight up libtards.
  16. What has he done that is illegal?
  17. He was pro illegal immigration and against legal immigration.
  18. That is a great point. Some here are big in the damned if you do damned if you don't paradigm. It's weird.
  19. It will get a lot worse before it gets better. Perhaps you should have paid more in taxes?
  20. Just like Obama didn't care if people came into the country illegally or not? Elections have consequences.
  21. ...you mad bro? Dude, you are really into conspiracy theories now.
  22. Having just read through the last 7 pages to catch up, I must say, when the radical lefties on here panic, they all seem to regress to a low level of emotional maturity and use the same childish MSM catch phrases. The names are different, but the phrases are the same. I wonder if something traumatic happened to them in their youth that somehow has stunted their ability to deal with not getting their way. This seems typical of the madness in the streets right now, as if it's mass hysteria. When Trump gets reelected, these radical lefties are going to go postal. I just hope that they don't hurt someone else or themselves.
  23. It's the single most important question. My guess is that we have enemies foreign and domestic, supported by traitors. Everything you mentioned requires ongoing uninterrupted financing and access to banks. Of course, the third rail is holding any of these financiers accountable. They seem protected.
  24. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/track-it-here-reaper-drone-takes-flight-monday-amid-worsening-riots-across-america Reaper drones headed to your city?
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