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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. Speaking of racism. Here is some real institutional racism. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/students-demand-lax-grading-black-students-university-agrees This is getting ridiculous.
  2. It was a joke. Too soon?
  3. Don't worry, he was just a white guy.
  4. It would have been fine if the next move was to inject him with a mandatory vaccine.
  5. Doe anyone know why they pushed Joe Biden to the ground like that? There had to be a reason.
  6. What are the odds that there is a protest in his name?
  7. I am simply asking for clarification. It is police brutality in my book. The rest of your verbiage was a bit emotional and I wasn't quite getting it.
  8. So you are saying it isn't fascism now?
  9. Yeah, but you keep going back for more on his terms. He may not even be a real human being.
  10. If your state allows them, try a Sig MPX PCC. They are precise and they don't shoot through walls and spray the area. They are fantastic. Uses 9mm pistol ammo. Perfect when home defense needs to be surgical and you don't have to worry about bullets going through your walls into the neighbors house. Extremely important factor to consider.
  11. In a way we are in a state of perpetual revolution. Constantly changing while ironically staying the same. I believe natural law will prevail. Who knows? I know that I don't. That is what makes America so much fun. What sucks now is all the best TVs have been taken already.
  12. Awesome. That sounds like one hell of an adventure. Don't ever let current events take you away from what is close to your heart. It's what makes life worth living. We will get through this Margarita, and I do believe that we will be stronger for it in the end.
  13. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/protester-shot-my-sister-teenager-records-gut-wrenching-message-after-deadly-riot Black people being killed in the name of protesting black people being killed is OK apparently. Crazy!
  14. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/2-nypd-cops-shot-1-stabbed-brooklyn-police-brutality-riots-go-global
  15. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/2-nypd-cops-shot-1-stabbed-brooklyn-police-brutality-riots-go-global
  16. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/researchers-retract-botched-anti-hcq-study-which-caused-who-halt-trials
  17. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/researchers-retract-botched-anti-hcq-study-which-caused-who-halt-trials
  18. Amen to that. This PC garbage is why no-one can handle someone else's straight opinion anymore.
  19. You refuse to have any light hearted fun. Get out of the house and enjoy yourself already.
  20. I agree completely. I was being sarcastic to the guy who has gone over the falls in a barrel one too many times. He seems mad today, especially at black women.
  21. You seem more emotional than usual today. Please, talk to me. What is really going on in your life that you have sought me out ? I believe I can help. What it is it about strong black women that frightens you so much?
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